(no subject)

Sep 03, 2010 02:57

The greatest and most pernicious fallacy perpetrated upon society is the belief that life is somehow fair.  The idea that bad things happen to good people, the strong take while the weak are taken, and that the noble suffer while the wicked and manipulative profit is so cliche that these truths are written off as tired, meaningless axioms beneath a pile of willfully naive, hopeful rhetoric.
The real truth to life is that there is no justice one does not make for one's self, and no values beyond those which we ourselves create, enforce, and live up to, which makes those values all the more precious.  A man that does not have some code, or that has one and does not live up to it, is no better than a parasite; mindlessly suckling away at an otherwise self-reliant host until something bigger than it pulls it wriggling and gnashing from the intestines of its victim.
Injustice is inherent to existence, but this changes the reality of responsibility not one iota.  You find ways to work with the challenges in the way, and ensure that the things you have that really, truly matter are elevated above the hardships that surround them.  To do anything less is to be untrue to one's self, which is the one and only true crime.  Honor what matters and honor yourself, and leave anything less to the tapeworms.
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