[OOC] Christmas fic!

Dec 19, 2010 22:13

'sup, homeskillets?

Christmas is coming up, and, because I'm going to have a lot of free time this week, and I want to write more with Gwen, I've decided to do a request post! So basically, here's how it works:

Step 1: You pick what you want (topic, characters, setting, prompt, etc.)
Step 2: I write you something! It could be a drabble, or a fic, or something inbetween. We'll see!
Step 3: Read, and enjoy. Hopefully.

So, request away!

pairing: merlin/gwen, with: amhar, with: merlin, verse: canon, with: gwydre, *ooc, [ooc] request post, verse: open, with: duran, with: ygraine, with: llacheu, pairing: arthur/gwen, with: arthur, verse: once upon a table

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