(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 18:24

Name- Al

LJ- Alanddizzy

Email address- spacepiratecatdude@hotmail.com

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- Ibechibb

Character, series- Tigerstar, warriors

Character journal- neverlolscat

Character type- One of the main villains

Digimon partner- Black tailmon, Black Liomon, Grappleomon

D-Comm colours/symbol- Black with

Imported from another RP?- No

Character appearance-

Character age- Adult Cat

Character history-

Once upon a time in a forest in the UK there were five clans of cats that lived in relative peace. While there was the occasional scuffle over territory they were prosperous and well off.

Then the humans came and ran the tribe of Skyclan out of their territory. With no home to call their own the other clans turned their backs on Skyclan and forced them to leave the forest. When this happen there were two Kits who were too weak and young to travel so they were left in the care of Thunderclan. These kits were known as Cloudstar and Birdflight. Of these two descended two cats, they would eventually become Tigerstar and his cousin Spottedleaf.

Tigerpaw, as he was known in his youth was apprenticed to Thistleclaw. One day while on patrol with Thistleclaw and Bluefur, they happened upon a kittypet kit who had wandered into ThunderClan's territory. Thistleclaw wanted to teach the Kittypet a lesson where Bluefur insisted they simply lead him away with a warning. When Thistleclaw asked Tigerpaw's opinion he agreed with his mentor and attacked the Kittypet nearly killing him. Bluefur stopped him and the Kittypet fled with deep emotional scars to match his physical ones.

Tigerpaw became Tigerclaw when he was made a warrior, and his cousin became the clans medicine cat SpottedLeaf. Tigerclaw loved the respect he got as warrior, but he wanted more.

Bluefur became clan deputy instead of Tigerclaws former mentor Thistleclaw, and eventually became leader of the clan Bluestar. Tigerstar wanted that and began to scheme how to get it. Prove himself as a warrior first, and then the current deputy Redtail would have to die.

Tigerclaw saw his opportunity and murdered Redtail one night during a battle with Riverclan. He had sent home the other warriors so he was positive he had gotten away with it. As Tigerclaw drug home the body of Redtail he spotted his own apprentice Ravenpaw running away. Tigerclaw suspected he had witnessed the murder. He proceeded to bully and scare Ravenpaw after that to keep him quiet.

Upon returning home with Redtail's body he told the clan that the Riverclan deputy Oakheart had killed Redtail, and that he himself had killed Oakheart in vengeance. While his loyalty and strength was praised he was not named Deputy however, Lionheart was.

As the book continued a kittypet named Rusty was brought into the clan and made a member known as Firepaw. Tigerclaw disliked Firepaw from day one, finding the idea that a kittypet could be a warrior insulting. Worse yet he and a clan apprentice Greypaw were friendly with Ravenpaw. Fearing that Ravenpaw may tell them, Tigerstar began to actively plot his apprentice Ravenpaw's death.

Ravenpaw vanished however and Tigerstar breathed a sigh of relief. He believed his secret safe for now.

In a battle against Shadowclan Lionheart died and Tigerstar was finally elected Deputy by Bluestar. Now he was one more death away from his goal of leadership. The power, the respect and the nine lives would all be his.

Tigerstar's first attempt on Bluestar's life was to set a trap for her near the Thunderpath. Unfortunately for Tigerstar Bluestar had caught Greencough so Fireheart's (Formerly Firepaw) apprentice Cinderpaw went instead and was hit by a Monster (A car) twisting her leg around and crippling her for life. She would never be able to become a warrior.

During a battle with Riverclan Fireheart was attacked by the RiverClan deputy, Leopardfur and rather then do the loyal thing and help his clanmate, Tigerclaw watched Fireheart struggle and get hurt. Later he accused Fireheart of letting her go and showing mercy to his enemy.

His second attempt on Bluestar's life was more organized and thought out. Leading a clan or rouges and pretending he was trying to warn the clan before the attack. In the chaos he slipped into Bluestar's den and tried to kill her but was stopped by Fireheart and Greystripe.

As the treachery was revealed to the clan the choice was made to exile him. He called to his three most loyal warriors but none would join him. And so he left the clan leaving behind his two kits Bramblepaw and Tawneypaw.

With his rouges behind him Tigerclaw attacked a patrol of Thunderclan cats killing one of them. When another cat was at the scene of the murder Fireheart thought he had done it and chased him through the woods. The cat ran onto the thunderpath and was hit by a monster.

Tigerclaw and his rouges attacked Fireheart who was only saved by Greystripe and a Riverclan patrol. Tigerclaw vows revenge on Thunderclan and vanishes into Shadowclan territory.

Shadowclan was sick and suffering. Greatly weakened by disease they were happy to bring Tigerclaw and his rouges into the clan if only for the extra strength. Under Tigerclaws leadership the clan once more began to prosper and when their leader died, Tigerclaw was made the new leader Tigerstar, much to the horror of Thunderclan at the next gathering of the clans.

While the leader of Shadowclan he fell in love with another cat. A former Kittypet by the name of Sasha. Something about her was so different...it pushed Tigerstar into denying she was a Kittypet at all. He visited with her, taught her the ways of the clan and even invited her to live with him as his mate. She asked for a short time to think about it, still holding attachment to her human who had been taken away.

During that time she stumbled upon Tigerstar meeting with his warriors with plans to attack Thunderclan by leading a pack of wild dogs to them, as well as plans to bring a clan of city cats to the forest to help take over. Sasha was horrified and abandoned the forest fleeing from Tigerstar's soon to come war.

This brought Tigerstar back to Earth painfully and broken hearted he reached out to his kits in Thunderclan trying to get them to join him. He asked Darkstripe to bring his Kits to him but he was stopped by Fireheart.

After spending a few weeks feeding a pack of wild dogs dead rabbits a couple of Thunderclan apprentices who wanted to become warriors went to investigate. One died and the other had half her face ripped off.

Tigerstars plan was set into motion by setting a trail of rabbits to Thunderclan and killing the Thunderclan cat Brindleface and leaving her at the end of the trail. The dogs would have a taste for cat then and go on to attack Thunderclan.

The plan is derailed by Fireheart and the clan cats who lead the dogs to a cliff. Just as Fireheart is about to escape Tigerstar attacks him pnning him down long enough that as he darted up a tree Fireheart would be doomed to the dogs teeth. Just before his death though Bluestar threw herself at the dog knocking it off a cliff and being pulled along after it.

Tigerstar had finally killed Bluestar and his arch enemy Fireheart was now leader of Thunderclan.

Things were moving fast for Tigerstar now. He seized control of Riverclan claiming to share leadership with Leopardstar when in reality he had all the power. His desire for loyal clanmates led to the logic that halfclan cats would have divided loyalty and he demanded they be put to death. He built a tower of bones in the Riverclan camp and at the base of the pile he would watch the cats fight to the death.

The combined clans called themselves Tigerclan and Tigerstar sought out the ruthless army of cats known as Bloodclan to aid him in making the other two clans submit to his leadership. Little did he know the leader of Bloodclan known as Scourge was the same kit he had once attacked when he was just an apprentice. Seeking out revenge Scourge played along with Tigerstar's plan until he was at a meeting between all the clans. Then he slashed Tigerstar's throat open and killed him taking all nine of his lives at once.

This was not the end of Tigerstar's story however. Banished from Starclan for his dishonorable ways he was sent to the place of no stars, the dark forest. Here he wandered lost and alone for his afterlife.

His only respite was seeking out his kin and his mate Sasha in their dreams. To Sasha he brought her comfort though felt shame at having left her behind. She was the only cat to ever make him question his choices.

He was even more hurt by learning of his Kit Tadpole, the eldest of Sasha's kits drown saving his brother and sister Hawk and Moth.

Hawk and Moth Joined Riverclan and Tawnypaw Joined Shadowclan leaving Bramblepaw in Thunderclan. Thus his kits spread themselves and began stories of their own. He remained a constant presence in the lives of Bramblepaw (Later Brambleclaw) and Hawkfrost, urging them to take their rightful places as leaders of the clans. While Hawkfrost was in favor of this Brambleclaw was conflicted. He trained with them in their dreams, teaching him his wisdom and skills. In the end Brambleclaw sided with Firestar and killed Hawkfrost to save his leader from Tigerstar's trap.

Brambleclaw took Squirrelflight, one of Firestar's daughters as his mate much to Tigerstar's twisted amusement. His blood would live on in the kits of Tawnypelt. Hawkfrost was dead and Mothwing was medicine cat of Riverclan (After a clever manipulative plan by Hawkfrost that tricked the former medicine cat into taking her as his apprentice.

Tigerstar began to seduce his grandkits Jaypaw and Lionpaw, shunning Hollypaw for her choice to be a medicinecat. He tried his best to lure hem deeper into the dark forest where he could teach them combat and skills to become leaders in their own rights. While Jaypaw turned him down Lionpaw trained under him night after night. Tigerstar and the now dead Hawkfrost trained with Lionpaw but overtime Hawkfrost became jealous and ruthless in the training hurting Lionpaw often.

It was Tigerstar who convinced Lionpaw to break up with the windclan cat he had fallen in love with, questioning his loyalty to the clan.

As Lionpaw became Lionlaze, a stronger superior fighter he discovered he wasn't actually related to Tigerstar after all because Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight weren't really his parents. Apparently Tigerstar had known all along and hadn't cared. In the end Lionblaze rejected Tigerstar.

It was then that the ruthless cat's spirit was drawn to the digital world.

Character personality-

Tigerstar is cunning, ruthless and courageous. A proud warrior and rightfully so, he was in life one of the strongest warriors the clans had ever seen. He was an inspirational leader to Shadowclan but his ambition blinded him to the potential for a fulfilling and satisfying life as their leader. He insisted on becoming the leader of all the clans and thus was his fall.

He is deadly serious about loyalty and demands nothing but absolute loyalty and the best efforts from those around him. His hatred for half clan warriors and Kittypets is based upon being unable to trust their loyalty. While he wouldn't trust a rouge or loner much more he trusts that he can manipulate them more easily. A half clan cat can feel loyalty to both clans and thus in combat may not do what needs to be done for the best of whatever clan they belong to.

He is very confident and with the exception of Sasha, no cat has ever made him second guess or question himself. For all his failures in the past he blames the cats he was forced to work with for being weak. Perhaps now that he's gotten a new body and a second chance at life he'll finally succeed in his ambitious dreams...or finally accept that he could be the reason he's failed.

Digimon personality- Black Tailmon is an adventurous and brave Digimon, kind and friendly. His mother was a healer who believed in only natural cures and thus taught him the basics. He found this a great way to make friends and often would seek out those in need of his help, either from his skills or his willingness to work.

He has a fear of water stemming from a flood that nearly reverted him as a baby.

While he is very patient with Tigerstar, and loyal to his Digicore he doesn't particularly believe everything Tigerstar does and is much more merciful and accepting of others.

Character abilities-

Heightened senses: As a Cat he has the ability to see in the dark, as well as to notice movement easily. This makes it very hard to sneak up on him. He also has sensitive hearing and smell making him a skilled tracker. This is increased by his time spent with Shadowclan.

Trained: He is a skilled fighter and tracker, one of the strongest fighters in Clan history. He is particularly skilled and navigating marshes and forests.

Catlike reflexes: He has the reflexes and grave of a cat.

Natural Born leaper: Due to his Skyclan bloodline, Tigerstar is skilled and performing leaps both vertically and horizontally.

Sample RP-

Light, for the first time in for longer then he cared to think there was light.

It hurt his eyes and he clamped them shut again to let them adjust but after a few moments he opened them again.

It was a forest, almost familiar but nothing that he knew of. It wasn't the dark forest, it wasn't his home when he was alive and it wasn't the lake that the clans called home.

Suddenly he felt a chill pass down his spine and made his fur fluff up defensively. A warm wet trickle ran down his neck and he wheezed as his heart began to pound. He was alive again...but wounded.

His eyes narrowed thinking back to that moment when he had died, over and over again his lives torn away in one lucky slash. Betrayal as cold as it came.

His vision was getting blurry. NO! NOT AGAIN! He blinked it away and forced himself to his trembling paws. He was Tigerstar! He had conquered death and would not let this chance at life slip away.

Slow painful heavy pawsteps, he had to find some cobwebs, some herbs, anything to stop the bleeding.

"Hey...hey you hold still lemme see that!" A voice called and the bushes trembled as a black cat sprang forth.

Startled Tigerstar tried to rear back on his hind paws and hiss but he was still weak and fell to his side gasping for air, choking on the blood that was drizzling down his throat.

As the darkness faded in around him he felt the pain in his neck start to ebb as the cat approached him with a smear of herbs on it's paw.

"You'll be OK." The voice assured him.

His last thoughts were of a small black Kit, one that had barely lived. The first of his Kits to die. He whispered his name as he passed out "Tadpole..."

Sample journal entry-

Um, hello. Nice to meet you my name is...well I guess it's Tadpole because that's what my Tamer called me...are we supposed to let them rename us? I always thought it was strange we all just called ourselves by our species.

Anyway...my Tamer is very weak and hurt. I've been taking care of him but I've run short on supplies. Last time I left to get more he tried to leave and aggravated his wounds. Now it might be a pain but if someone could send me some moss, cobwebs, let's see...Goldenrod would be great...Chervil, oh and some Poppyseeds if you can. Thank you!

Tigerstar...you ever been in love?


No seriously, do warriors fall in love or is it all business.

Why do you ask?

Well...my mom fell in love with this Mikemon a long time ago and he was my father but he left before I hatched. She still said she loved him though.

Did she ever say why he left?

Something about having another family.

Hrumpf. Weak. If he could not be loyal to either his family or your mother he was pathetic and you are better without him.

Huh...I never thought about it like that. You didn't answer my question, have you ever been in love?

Get back to training!
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