i wish i could rewind and go back to those moments in time and press freeze, just to tell you how much you ment to me... best friends....well i guess you could of said that a coupple weeks ago but for now this is a picture of things in my life i miss the most in my life.
the good old times. hannah and me. my butt is the smaller one :-(
hannah and momma martoni.
Sarah! my big sister :D
me and brittanie before cheerleading practice.
drew.. we woke him up.
that would be myself. yucky i know.
marissa being herself. haha very cute.
my sisters brand new Lamberginie. Were going big P.I.M.P.I.N
brittanie, mary-grace and jenna. before cheerleading we decieded to be nerds and stuff each other in the lockers.
And My absolute favorite thing to do in this whole world.