Jan 16, 2005 00:36
tonight made me realize something.
Dear Parents,
I thank you very much for the things you have given me. For being able to be going to a private school, to be waited on hand and foot.To have everything i want.But you can only buy your children so much. Theres nothing wrong no need to worry. I just want to be trusted. I want you to believe me when i tell you something. I want to be able to let go alittle bit and not be so worried. I know im your only child but i need to be trusted. like when im out with someone. the little rule about there has to be another girl in the car if theres only a guy, give me a break. I have known those guys my whole life. They are my brothers.I can take care of myself, im strong. And when im out with my friends calling my cell fone isnt going to change anything. I will call you if i need anything. I understand your consierened and just trying to be a parent, but there comes a time for the parent to loosen up. I am such a good kid compared to all those other kids out there. Mom you have raised me very well. You showeed me love and how to be a good christian, and how to be polite. Dad you have taught me how to never let anyone break you down, you have made me stronger but you have also destroyed me at the same time. But theres no hard feelings. But anyways back to the point.Let me drive with my friends (people you dont know everything about) untill i give you a reason for you not to let me. My life is great dont get me wrong, i love you mom and even though i cant say that to my dad i still have some sort of respect for him. All im saying is trust me and im getting older so give me some more privalages. Thats all. You are great parents keep up the good work. And thank you for everything.
With love from the bottom of my heart,