Nov 13, 2004 22:41
wow i hate cheerleading but i love the people on my squad.
they are some of the funniest people i have ever met in my life.
i thought i was gona pee my pants the whole night.
i was a flyer yesterday.. haha so fun. im suprised i didnt fly onto the ground.
we took so many frekin pictures ill post them on here when i get em developed.
my coach was swearing in her sleep.
and i think the best part was running down our hallways at school like 4 in the morning just screaming as loud as possible.
we also stole the janitors keys! hehehe we could get into anything.
and we found a bunch of health violations our school cafetria has. im never eating there again.
eww sickning and too top it off Natile peeed in the hymn books.
So i woke up this morning to my math teacher taking pictures of just me and brittanie slepping
hes gona use them in chapel. omg im so screwed.. those are black mail bigtime
anwyas..And Megan, Natile, Michelle, Marissa came to visit me :) i felt so special.
they got to see some of the hott noth boys out in the parking lot :)
yeah.. and that was my whole friday night- satuarday morning
sorry to waste your life reading this.