Hey, so it's been many months since I've updated, but I've just gotten back from what was probably the greatest summer of my life at BUTI in nowhere massachusetts. I met the most amazing people in the world, and grew up, finally.
So here's who I miss....
- Dashita mamacitaaaaaa I love you and can't wait till you corrupt me over Spring break when we go partying in Cali :) I love you more than life and umm we already call each other everyday...
- Charlotte is my lover and I still have her underweaaars! You were my first BUTI friend and my shower buddy on the first night, may the sisterhood live on, yo. :)
- Maren we are so much the same person it's kind of weird and crazy and cool and I love you and you helped me grow so much. Please be my lover.
- Sara LUBETSKY was like the most beautiful, most horny girl evaaah and yet your amazingness continues to amaze me even when we're not living together.
- Tai my lesbian lover! I know you don't like white lesbians but...here I am, and you are like my mother and my lover and the funniest person I have ever met, and you fixed my dress that I shouldn't have bought in the first place...but it was $8...so yah...I heart you muchly
- Laura! We got to hang out on MONDAY but now you're gone! I love you and your stories about canoe camp in Canada and the Wags, and how you were always knitting in my room. And I miss you so much.
- My favorite orchestra girls Reem, Marissa, Chicken Butt and Cathy. I heart you all. You're all beautiful and amazing.
There are so many more people but it would kind of take forever so...yah, I miss the Tang where we spooned in my room, watched Mexican porn, got fat at Soco, founded the sisterhood, went skinny dipping, learned how to dance, where I learned how to cry and get over it, where I made the best friends of my life, where I learned to love myself, where we got yelled at by the Betty's waitress, where Dasha met Poot, where we formed our cake/coke tradition at the shed and where we spooned under the stars pretending to listen to Mozart, and where I met the weirdest boy from Texas ever who had hott brothers.
I'm going to remember this summer forever.
So, about three weeks till school starts, and I need to see my susu and hannah banana, and hopefully do some fun shit next week.
maybe I'll start updating a little more regularly, eh?