(no subject)

May 23, 2005 02:37

I was totally happy with life until about 5 minutes ago when I came to this website. Where I felt bad about it before, I feel totally fine now leaving Kristine's house to move in with Moni and will begin packing my things later this morning after the sun comes up. When I left to go to Mike's house, she made it seem like she wanted me to stay. She told me she was mad at me for leaving her alone here, and told me she had missed me when I came back. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek after smakcing me for leaving her. Who the fuck was I kidding to believe her?

Getting on here and reading her latest entry nearly made me throw up. Nothing against Jake at all as he is, and even though I am glad in a sense that this all makes Kristine happy, I am not happy with this situation at all. To be inches away from her, and not be close at all. And to not only know that something like what she wrote about is going on, but to read about it in detail and have it all slap me in the face and upset my stomache. To know that she'd trade my place here in her house with her for Jake in an instant if it was possible. It literally just make me want to jump off a cliff. This just hurts way too much and I need to forget about it.

...ugh ...

Star Wars was good and you all should go see it if you haven't already, although I was suprised to find out that everyone that told me they were going to see it weren't there. I went with Hawt (Jesse) opening night/morning. He's my fucking hero, man. He bought me a ticket and a lightsaber for us to try to get on the news which totally failed. We played DDR before hand and he got a C on Maxx 300 on Heavy. I couldn't even pass it on Light. ::bows to his DDRness:: Just being on the machine next to his greatness made me a better DDRer proven by the fact that for the first time, all the times I played, I only failed on Max 300. Who knew that a tall, lanky goth kid with baggie ass pants could move their legs that fast? Jesse had a 12:50am ticket, and gave me his 12:30am one. I ended up getting bored waiting to go in after he had already gone in, and coming out to play more DDR with the only pretty natural redhead I'd ever seen in my life that totally showed me up while I was trying to show off. Then, when they turned off the power to the arcade quite literally while I was right in the middle of freestyling on Matsuri Japan, I snuck into the 12:01am showing, joining the 200+ people to be among the first in Tucson to see Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. Now that you have had a play by play description of that night/morning filled with several needlessly expansive run-on-sentences, I am finally feeling tired and am off to bed.


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