Aug 10, 2005 15:57
So the deal is that I'm pretty much going to be working 50 hour weeks for the next month or so. This doesn't mean I don't want to hang out with you. In fact, I've been out the past seven nights straight. ("No more alcohol. Ugh. Die," says my stomach.) It just means that when I am working, I have to be concentrating really hard, and I'll also probably be continually sleep deprived - so if you call me, especially during the day, please don't be hurt if I tell you I'd love to do something but have to sleep and/or be a responsible adult. I want to see everyone before I go, and some people a lot before I go, so I will make it happen. But the timing might be a little wonky.
That said the past week has been inexpressibly awesome. Although due to the oncoming-train-rush of work deadlines, I'm worried about getting my grad apps done before I leave. That's probably silly, and mostly it's just because I'm daydreaming about postponing grad school another year and putting my Antarctic planefare toward a Round-the-World ticket instead. Maybe go visit Shon in India and all the friends I want to stay with across Europe. Go back to Tokyo, and a few places in Asia I haven't been yet, Morocco, Rio, Russia, I don't know... I mean, there are a zillion places I want to travel. But ... blah, I need to get back to work.
grad school,