Mar 07, 2008 10:48
So I have been trying to meditate more often, thinking that it probably is a pretty good practice to keep on, i have been doing a little bit everyday. I have been working up to doing 30 min which will probably make some people laugh, but I am a little rusty and I haven't been excercising whatsoever lol. So my back is a little creaky.
Anyway, the point is, I got SARKs "Prosperity Pie" from my bestest man friend Ian and I read it in all of one day i think. Lol. And a big emphisis in that, and something I am actually interested in developing is the sense of Enoughness, which while i was meditating I realized that I don't used meditation to cultivate that sense. I actualy use it as the opposite.
During my meditation I arrived at these reall strong notions that My Body wants to be recgonized, incorperated, embraced, caressed, challenged and experimented with, i was seeing myself doing this dance that says "My body is wonderful, look how I embrace it!" and this is something that was followed by the idea that I need to develope my own practice, stake my own claim, not only in the ordinary world but in my spiritual life as well.
I am doing that in some ways, but I keep on returning to practices that are rooted somewhere away from me, and that don't meet my needs. Like Meditation. Not that Meditation is bad, it is just not enough. Of course is it good. But i need to dance more, sing more, love more, babble chat more, and do all these things that bring me where I am on a soul level.
The point is, while i was meditating, i noticed myself pushing, and critizing, and it wasn't good. When i got up my feet where sleeping, i was trying to do the dance that was in my mind, and then i did a half handstand (wallstand?) it reminded me of how much I miss yoge : ( but at the same time, how picky i am about it!
anyway, thats all.