Something of very great irony struck me today. Joan-san, a friend of mine, and Jordan-sama have the same birthday, but Jordan-sama is one year older than Joan-san. Joan-san likes me and has for quite some time, but it would be completely pedophilic for Jordan-sama to hit on me the way Joan-san does, despite knowing I don't like him back ("That's sexy."). However, Jordan-sama will be twenty before I'm sixteen, making me complete and utter jailbait.
Oh, how I hate that word. -glowers at it-
Oh, by the way - I'm trying to lose weight by using the completely unhealthy method of moderate amounts of exercise and not eating as much as I should (or, at least, not as much as I usually do, which would probably be a good idea anyway, as I'm on vacation and not swimming.)
Anyway, Erin tagged me for yet another meme.
Not that I mind. ^_^
Fandom Meme (Naruto because I don't ship enough for anything else; sorry, sunrise)
"One True Pairing" Ship: YonKaka
"One True Threesome" Ship: I can't stand threesome pairings. They squick me because I'm all, "Nooooooo! This feels too much like cheating!"
"Canon" Ship: SasuSaku. I'm a sucker.
"Not quite canon but should be" ship: SasuNaru
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: KakaSai.
"You are one sick bastard" ship: OroShika. (I've actually seen that. It was so damn bad.)
"I'm one sick bastard" Ship: KakaSasu.
"I dabble a little" Ship: Uhhhh... Dammit. I can't think of anything. Well, maybe NejiSaku.
"It's like a car crash" Ship: YonKaka, KakaSasu, SasuNaru. (Not all at once, of course.)
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" Ship: ...SaiNaru, perhaps.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: SaiNeji.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: NaruHina.
"When all is said and done" Ship: Erm... Well, canonically... SasuNaru because that should be canon. (Oh, come on. Everyone knows it totally is.) The end all, be all? YonKaka.
"Guilty Pleasure" ship: SasuSaku.
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship: JiraNaru. It was obscenely well done. (Not like that, you perverts.)
"Favorite Older/Younger" ship: YonKaka.
"My first I could never abandon you" ship: -sigh- SasuSaku.
Favorite Nevermetship: -doesn't have one-
Favorite Pervyship: ...Pervyship? The hell?
And now I'm done.
And my brother is staring awkwardly at the screen as I type.
Which is why I typed the personal things first. (Well, not really. I don't have that much presence of mind. It was more of "This blind-sided me multiple times today and made me beat my head against the table in Burger King while I tried not to get too fat."