Jan 18, 2010 06:09
Fucking hell.
I don't care I don't care I don't care.
I just want something uncomplicated. I don't want any of this assholery or dishonesty or any of the bullshit people pump their relationships full of for no apparent reason. I really don't understand it and I think it's the biggest load of fucking nonsense I've ever seen in my life and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere I go and being told it's going to happen to me.
Fuck that! Fuck that, seriously! Don't fucking tell me I should plan on having a shitty life! Good fucking god.
Oh, and I have a huge guilt complex at the moment over being a terrible student pretty much since the sixth grade and not having the willpower to stop fucking up. And everybody thinks I'm a lot better student than I am - and I have no real desire to set them straight because I'm really, really fucking ashamed.
Oh, and I still feel like I'm going to hell for being such a shitty person.
I hate everything. Fuck my life.