*stumbles out into the sunshine*

Jun 11, 2007 15:00

First things first: I've had no internet since getting back home from Liverpool. Which is good in that it means I have a lot of lovely reading to catch up on this afternoon, but bad in that I haven't commented on anything for an absolute age. I really am dreadfully sorry *eyes flist warily*

Happily, broadband is now properly installed (properly as opposed to the pig's ear Dad and I made of it when we attempted it last time). Unfortunately, I have no way of connecting the laptop, which contains all the writing I've done for the past two years, to the new modem thingumybob. Thus, I've spent the past few hours patiently transferring everything from the laptop to the PC with a hideously inadequate USB stick.

In other unfortunate news, I took Cosmo's advice and invested in a bottle of that L'Oreal Nutrisummer Mist stuff. 'Gradual tan', it said. 'Even, natural, sun-kissed look', it claimed. O rly? Is that why my feet are orange, despite me not having gone near them with the stuff? Is that why most of the rest of me is also an alarming shade of tangerine? On the plus side, yesterday's Observer pointed out that having an obviously fake tan is the coolest thing to do this summer, as having a realistic one would raise the possibility of people thinking you'd actually sat in the sun to acquire it. Which, as we've all been repeatedly told, is the ultimate skin crime. So, despite looking like a satsuma in a party frock, I am cool. Cool, damnit!

On the writing side of things, the James/Jeremy epic has been waylaid by Richard, James and Maximo Park's 'Books From Boxes'. It's the most achingly brilliant song I've heard for a long time (and no, I am definitely not developing a slightly nerdy crush on Paul Smith. Definitely not.) The only problem is, I'm struggling to do the plot bunny justice, and I'm not really prepared to post stuff that I'm not completely happy with. Because I know it's got the potential to be the best fic I've written in a while, and in my head I've got all the right snippets and dialogues already, but getting it down on paper's proving to be a complete bitch. Which is probably the cause of my writer's block and my inability to actual finish anything satisfactorily. Having said which, my scarily vibrant social life atm is probably also causing some problems. Seeing as I haven't really been home/sober much for the past few weeks days...

Speaking of which, the possibility of a trip to Dartington to see Mazzie has been raised. I'm only just managing not to jump up and down and go: "Squeee! The seaside!", because living slap bang in the middle of the country during summer does get really, really frustrating. *goes to find bucket and spade for making SANDCASTLES* ... *is such a child at heart*

(Rather tangentially: was very cross to realise yesterday, after getting all excited when Max texted to tell me Regina Spektor's playing at the Carling Academy on 4th Sept, that I'm on work experience then. Wonderful fucking timing, as ever.)

I think the rest of the day will probably be spent in the garden, getting cross with myself for not being able to write anything useful. I spotted some very yummy looking nectarines in the fruit bowl on my way through the kitchen though, which might almost make up for it. Hmm.

fandom: top gear, musiks, slash, my social calendar

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