Wishing everyone a gear New Year...

Jan 03, 2005 18:40

Happy New Year!

Sorry, I know I'm a bit late in saying that, but I've been drunk since New Year's Eve.

No, I haven't. I've been reading all the wonderful books I got for Crimble. Amongst which was 'The Vintner's Luck' by Elizabeth Knox. I don't want to spoil it for anyone by giving away the plot, but suffice it to say that THIS IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE READ FOR A LONG, LONG TIME. It's achingly beautiful and, as I've said on FA, I wish someone would make a film out of it... a prettiful film full of shadows and moonlight and feathers and Joaquin Phoenix as Xas!

Unfortunately, my plans to bully mother into granting me a paid LJ account for Crimble were cruelly dashed. I have dreams about customised mood icons and personalised backgrounds... it's very sad.

I've just posted 'Stop All the Clocks' the, in some sad circles, long-awaited sequel to 'Darkshines'. It's on ffnet at the minute, but as soon as I get an Individum thingy sorted, it'll be transferred to there (fingers crossed). This time it's Harry's POV, and a few years later.


Squee. Am listening to my Slash tape, which I made by collecting all my CDs and recording all the songs which give me plot bunnies. Not squee at all, however, is the fact that we're back at school on Wednesday and I've not done any work yet. This is bad. Especially as have an english paper, two history essays, and French coursework to do, and I'm out all day tomorrow. Am basically screwed.

But I'm far too happy to care. Which is bad, because if I cared, I'd work.

It's a vicious circle. Grrr.

"He's reading the Queen. That's an injoke."

See yer later xxx
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