Oct 17, 2003 17:14
tonight i wanna go see the texas chain saw massacre.. the true story about a family of corrupt canabalistic serial killers. actually, they said in the 70's when this was happening and tons of people were going missing, police started to freak , people were putting pressure on them to find the killer, so they got some random guy, took him to a field, put a mask on him and shot him. told everyone they solved the case/ found the killer and were made "heroes". people only recently found out the truth about the whole event, thats why they are making this movie...
cant wait to see it!!
oooh scandal!!!
my friend got me this wicked yellow halter shirt that says university student in big letters , cause she knows im dying to go to Uni finally.. ahhh september is sooo far away!! im gonna wear that tonight with some "skinny" as they call them, kinda dark jeans. and these really cute stilettos, and big bangs with these black wavy extensions i got . the outfit thing sounds messed together but it looks nice! woohoo!! i love fridays!!
i dont know why im sharing all this!!! i think im just happy my brother finally left this god damn room so i could use the computer!!!!!!
oh an before i forget.... CALL ME CAT