And because Lee....Harris is a horrible person....

Sep 28, 2005 13:10

Why not speak my opinion for once not many will hear it cause i have so few LJ friends but This is a rare opportunity for me!


1. Elvis is dead.
Well no shit! Hence the open casket funeral! Get another rollmodel!

2. Jesus was not White.
He wasn't? Man thats gonna be a kick in the balls to all you right wing chritians out there!

3. Rap music is here to stay.
True, cause you ever see people actually dancing to iron maiden or static-X?

4. Kissing your pet is not cute or clean.
Oh but it is so much fun to see a fat rich white bitch cuddle her little dog and baby talk it to death right after it just got done eating some other animals remains, fecis, or vomit. I guess its the dogs way of revenge.

5. Skinny does not (necessarily) equal sexy.
Everyone has there opinion but skinny is for TINY girls not full grown women. You are not barbie dolls! become an individual!

6. Thomas Jefferson had black children.
Man if they only would of proved it back then, maybe they would of burned him at the stake instead of the witches at Salem.

7. A 5 year child is too big for a stroller.
Yeah stroll that lil shit around so when you are back home its bouncing off the walls wondering why you are tired and your exhausted and yelling at it.

8. N' SYNC will never hold a candle to the Jackson 5
I hate both groups so im kinda at a loss here...sorry

9. An occasional BUTT whooping helps a child stay in line.
Why stop there? Get some padded walls and floors so you can throw them...Hell forget the padding sometimes kids need to take a 2 week coma...I mean timeout. :P

10. Having your children curse you out in public is not normal.
Damn this happen alot and if it was mine? My shoelaces would be coming out of its nostrils!


1. Hickey's are not attractive.
But they can hide scars of abuse!

2. Chicken is food, not a roommate.
And not to be fed to another chicken! Sick bastard.

3. Jesus is not a name for your son.
Heh i disagree with this one cause I have a hatred for blind christians. LOL. Get over it!

4. Your country's flag is not a car decoration.
Cause if it is why not use it for toilet paper? I mean they burn ours overseas why waste it like that eh?

5. Maria is a name but not for every other daughter.
Chaning the middle name is not helping much either Carlos!

6. "Jump out and run" is not in any insurance policies.
But can be a great game if you have black and white friends!

7. 10 people to a car is considered too many.
I always did enjoy the clown car routine but not in the middle of the EXPRESS WAY!

8. Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement.
Tequila gut is a horrible thing to see at 6:00 am!

9. Mami and Papi can't possibly be the nickname of every person in your family
Unless you have one wierd family orgy...I mean reuinion. Hey at least grandmas happy! NO teeth either...*shivers*

10.Letting your children run wildly through the store is not normal.
LEE: Yeah come on now..we got enough problems with the white folks' kids!
I left Lee's in here cause WTF is his problem they are all in strollers remember?


1. O.J. did it.
This is not a runaway jury here people! Celebrities get convicted of shoplifting and drug use not murder or child molesting! For fuck's sake they never found Tupac's or Notorius's killers yet most rappers knew WTF was going on!

2. Tupac is dead.
See above at Elvis comment!

3. Teeth should not be decorated.
Why not? Some of ya "Bling!" makes ya look better! Its rapper tradition!

4. Weddings should start on time.
Trust me NO THEY FUCKING DONT! There is always some (insert any racial comment here) thats always late because his wife cant get him dressed properly.

5. Your pastor doesn't know everything.
See Jesus comment above!...nuff said

6. Jesse Jackson will never be President.
What about Wayne Brady or his Malcomb-X counterpart Colen Powell?

7. RED is not a kool-aid flavor, it's a color.
Goes well with the chicken though dont it?!

8. Church does not require expensive clothes.
Goes for anybody that will do this to their kids! Fuck your society of what they think. The only person you should "Impress" with how you dress is you shitty ass boss and your spouse on your aniversery.

9. Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away.
Where else you gonna conceal you nine?

10.Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than the car.
Let me put it this put...more money...into your car...than into your house...if you even own one...then we have a problem.
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