Rules, How To Credit & Editing
In my opinion, most questions have been answered below, but if you feel the need to ask me anymore, please email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Friend this journal, do NOT join.
If you are going to take any of my graphics, please friend me and then comment before taking them.
Again, if you are going to use my graphics, make sure you credit me for ANYTHING you have taken. I will be checking to make sure you have done this correctly,
Do NOT hotlink any of my icons. Save them and upload them onto your own account/server please.
Do NOT edit any of my graphics, simply because its rude and just plain wrong.
Don't pass any of my graphics as your own.
Don't take any of these icons to use on other websites. I am ONLY allowing for LiveJournal & Invisionfree.
Be happy and kind people. Don't piss me off.
Feel free to ask questions in this post.
How To Credit
You have to credit me when using any of my icons or graphics. Its a must. With icons, can you please use Icon Comments when you may upload your icon. Credit to
When it comes to other graphics such as blends and wallpapers, please credit
neverendingwish or Dana wherever plausible, but I must be credited.
You are not in anyway inclined to edit my graphics. Its a simple no. They are my graphics only, and you will only be allowed to edit them with my permission. I find it rude and ignorant if you do so.