May 15, 2003 04:03
It's three thirty in the morning and I can't sleep because my back is killing me. I went to a doctor yesterday and to a chiropracotor for some electrical stimulation to the muscle and some quacky snapping back into motion crap. The doctor injected the muscle with depomedrol and gave me some flexeril and darvicet, but so far nothing seems to help. I took valium at ten o'clock along with the other stuff and it still hurts so much that I can't sleep. (I hear Viola in the back round) I have to wake up at six thirty for school and my day care kids are coming at seven thirty. I wish I could cancel them all, but I think it's a little late.Before I went to bed Daniel started harassing me about a car. He claims that all of his friends parents have cars waiting for their boys sixteenth birthdays and he was yelling at me telling me that I need to get his. I told him that if he wants a car that he has to work this summer. He says that there's no way he's working a crappy job that pays seven dollars an hour. His highness is willing to pay three hundred for insurance and for gas for the year. He's lost his marbles. I'm willing to pay for half of the car if he saves the rest by working.I really feel that that's reasonable, but he's so strong willed that he'll probably drive me out of my mind till he wins. I'm really trying to hold firm on this one. He also has a dirt bike that he can sell for about twelve hundred dollars, but he says there's no way he's selling it. I need to ship him off to some camp for a month where he can live with the have nots. Well, I think I'll try to go back to bed. Goodnight