Twenty Five things about me.

Feb 03, 2009 13:51

1. I often micturate when I laugh or sneeze.
2. I love babies.
3. My favorite kinds of medications are valium and demerol.
4: Sometimes I pee in cups on trips.
5: I'm not really sure who my father is.
6. All of the woman in my immediate family have been to JAIL.
7. I didn't have any friends as a child.
8. Neither of my girls have gotten pregnant that I know of. :(
9. I've lived in three different countries in my life.
10. I believe in the church, but I find it boring.
11. I don't like having to meet people in crowded places.
12. I occasionally pretend to be blind or British in public to embarrass my children.
13. I don't really like dogs, and I feel evil because of it.
14. I am good in a crisis.
15. I switch tags on sale items, so Marshalls is my favorite store since I'm banned from TJ Maxx.
16. When my cat had kittens, I'd dress them up in Beanie Baby clothes and put their tiny heads in my mouth.
17. I can do a perfect Maine or Massachusetts accent.
18. I was born with the wrong legs.
19. I have many mental and physical defects. ie) ADD, thyroid, allergies, hypochondria, defective connective tissue, etc.
20. I collect nutcrackers.
21. I think I might have been a doctor in the pre-existence, or a pharmacist as I have a pharmacy in my food storage room and I own an otoscope, a stethoscope, things to cast people, and stitching stuff that I picked up in the cabinets in the emergency room while I waited two hours.
22. I can't finish this entry since my ADD is kicking in.
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