You're in the Wasteland and it's dark. There are piles of rubble and rubbish everywhere, casting shadows. Hills and crevices, and large discarded pieces of machinery. It stretches on forever, larger than is possible. There's no escape on foot from this Wasteland. The Wasteland is the whole world.
It is also curiously empty. No small nighttime animals. No birds. But there is the strangest feeling, all the same, that someone is watching you.
[ooc: The Wasteland is going to work a little bit like
the Master's head last time, only a LOT more unhinged. He doesn't have any control over what's going on. So there's the opportunity to walk into some scene from the Master's past by walking around a corner, or climbing through some machinery, only it's a nightmarish version, and darker sections of his past. So you might walk into the Time War or into a fire. You can walk into the time the Earth was all the Master if you want it to be more your character's nightmare, I suppose. Elsewise, just wander around the Wasteland and run into Hobo!Master. Tell me what you want in a message/email/your first comment if you want something specific.
Warning: Trespassers May Be Eaten.]