Dec 27, 2004 14:28
so this is this stupid quiz that my friend sent me:
what is your name: brittany
how old are you: 17
do you have any
pets: no but my little sister does.. a fish that looks like hitlar
do you go to
school: yes
what is your
favorite subject: choir of course (cant help it if i am a choir queer)
what is you
worst subject: government w/ sawyer
do you have any
siblings: yes.. twin sister, half sister, step sister and two step brothers
what is your
best friends name: i have a lot of best friends but jenn
what do you want
to be: an opera singer
do you have a job: yea at home depot (and i am really bad at it)
what is your GPA: 2.9
do you drive
[if you 16+]: yes
if you drive, do
you have a car: yes a shitty teal green escort that is a P.O.S.
what is your
favorite place in
the whole world
to go: the cider mill!!!! with pumpkins
what color hair
do you have: dark brown
what color eyes
do you have: blue
have you dyed
your hair before: omg, yes i have had every color
how long is your
hair: past my sholders
how tall are you: last time i checked 5 foot (i've grown 1 inch!)
do you have a
bf/gf: nope
what is your
bf/gf's name: i dont have one lets rub it in my face some more lol
do you like
someone: yea
if you do who: i cant say
what is your
dream date: either going ice skating on an outside rink then going somewhere
warm and having hot coco, or my fav going to the cider mill and
picking out my own pumpkin and then carving it then eating pumpkin
pie yum yum.. those would be the best but i guess ne date if i
really liked the person.
what is your
ideal gift from
a significant
other: ne thing, flowers maybe
what is your
favorite type of
flowers: lol... diasy's (cant spell)
do you believe
in love: YES... but i believe not everyone is capable of loving someone
have you been
in love: i dont kno.. i think so but when i think about it i shouldnt have
been.. but i have been.
are you still
in love: tough question... no, but i wont forget when i was..
have you ever
broke up with
someone: yes
have you had
your heartbroken: yes. once, really bad
if you had, have
you moved on: trying to
do you want to
get married: yes
do you want to
have kids: hummm.
do you want to
get married young
or wait a while: young
if you were
offered to be
on a tv reality
dating show
would you, why: no. i think that there is a time and place to fall in love and it cant be forced in a
setting like that
do you believe
you can learn to
love someone: yes
do you smoke: yes
do you smoke
weed: no!!!!
do you drink: sometimes
have you ever
been in the
hospital: tons of times!
if yes, when
was the last time: thanksgiving
if yes, what for: stuff
how many parents
do you have: one
if one or none
why: mom had me and my twin young and my dad left her like a bum
if you could be
a duck or a
monkey what
would you be: a duck... they are so cute
ok well i just found out that thursday evening till monday evening my mom is going to south carolina to see her ex-bf (ron, i really like him)... and she is leaving us at home alone!!!! party at my house.. anyone is invited!!!
ok well there is more question but they get really personal so i give up lol....
comment on this one but exspecially my last enrty!!!!