(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 15:26

Hot here again! Another week of 90+ degree days!! We took a spur of the moment camping trip on Sunday to Stonybrook State Park....had so much fun...can't believe we were only there a little over 24 hours. The kids had a blast! Our campsite was right off of the creek so the kids could go right down a little path from out campsite to skip rocks...which Julia wanted to do constantly! We hiked a few miles each day and the girls did great! Alex was in the backpack carrier and even fell asleep on our hike Monday. It was a beautiful gorge. The kids loved the newer playground they had and we also went swimming a FREEZING 15 minutes in the stream fed gorge where there was a kiddie swim area....until the girls' lips turned blue!! Also went to the zoo last Thursday to visit the new tiger cubs...3 of them...they were adorable....biting their moms tail and climbing all over her, lol!

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