Mar 26, 2007 17:29

Who: Severus and Anyone
In: the Library
With: a box of dark chocolates, and DADA homework.

He had determined that the box of chocolates was relatively harmless. It contained what was, in fact, ordinary run-of-the-mill dark chocolates. Still, they had sat on his bedside table full (save the one he had tested) for the better part of a week... until he decided to bring them to the library.

Normally, Madame Pince was an absolute fanatic about the absences of food and drink in her library. However, when Severus had feigned a smile and offered her a chocolate, she had accepted, and turned a blind eye to the fact Severus had carried in the rest of the box. All had gone well. She hadn't turned into a toad, nor had her hair become a hideous shade of Gryffindor red... in fact, she seemed normal. Save the look of pure euphoria which had become plastered on her face.

So... his experiments hadn't been complete and utter failures, and the candies seemed harmless enough in a practical situation. That didn't mean that Severus was going to eat them.

He sat in a corner, perusing his DADA book, taking notes on the assigned reading, and occassionally glancing at the box of chocolates. They sat on the table like the proverbial albatross in the room, taunting him, and Severus was doing his best to maintain his steely composure. He wasn't about to actually enjoy the chocolates in public. Particularly not where Lupin might see him. They could wait. He could wait. He'd waited this long.

He forced his eyes back onto the book, scribbling notes about Dementors and effective ways to combat them. Following a Dementor attack, the compounds in chocolate seem to raise a victim's emotional state back to normal. Damn. Chocolate. He sighed, and pushed the book aside, reaching for the box. He froze as the shadow crossed his path and he glanced up, snapping, "What?" before his mind even completely recognised who it was.
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