All aboard the Plot Train!

Mar 03, 2010 15:43

Reply to this thread if you'd like to plot with the good doctor. I'm up for anything really. Just have a broad idea of something in your comment and we can work out the details. Much love :D


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thejewelergem August 4 2010, 20:51:51 UTC
OKAY SO I have two questions ♥

First one! Johan should probably be calling on Watson soon over his head (I'm thinking "something that probably should have had a stitch put in it because of its location, but it's too late now"), and I was wondering if you wanted me to start a log and run two concurrently, or if you want to try to finish the current one quickly, or . . . yeah you get the idea :S Because the other should probably be started today, tomorrow at the very latest (I'm all for super-long threads, I love them, but obviously his head's not going to stay dented forever and since the game runs in realtime . . . ).

Second one, how do you feel about canon-puncturing? Johan is nowhere near the Holmes fan I am (I peg him as having tastes that run more to Tolkien than Doyle), but any world that runs a close parallel to real!Earth is probably going to have Holmes, Shakespeare, and Dickens in common, so it's entirely possible he's tuned in on BBC Norway once in awhile or something (and even if not, in 13 years I've never once said "Sherlock Holmes" to someone and had them reply "who?" so the odds of him knowing, at least, "He's a ridiculously talented detective this English guy wrote about" seem pretty good). I don't know that the topic will ever come up, but knowing in case it does seems like a good idea.


nevercomplain August 5 2010, 18:53:03 UTC

1) This sounds great! I have no problem running two threads concurrently (though my muse for the other one is kind of dying out ;_;) so if you'd like to set one up (or me!) that would be good. Would it be at Johan's place or Watson's? He can go either way.

2) I actually thought about doing this. I'm eventually going to apply as Isabelle from the movie The Dreamers and I was going to have her be like "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson~" and Watson be like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. This would be so much fun.


technicolornina August 5 2010, 19:57:27 UTC

Okay, do you want to just wrap it up in like 3-5 tags by getting to the bookstore and Johan dropping him off? It'll be necessary for him to get Watson's name and profession if he's going to plausibly go to the guy at the clinic, but that's really the only Absolutely Necessary Piece Of Information he'd need.

And since Johan's Forge is out of commission until I post on the Network again, I'll just make a post on Logs today and have him come to the clinic. He got pretty beaten up, but what I'm looking at still being there is 1) a gash on his forehead, not overly-deep, but because of location should have taken a stitch or two and didn't 2) a bruise on the back of his right shoulder, roughly the size of a woman's fist, that was inflicted by a heavy stone and was probably pretty dark when it first showed up two weeks ago 3) possibly the last remains of a twisted ankle, given all the times he fell when he was running away from Anatole. Poor baby got pretty roughed up.

Awesome, will keep in mind ♥


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