Read the following article. Watch this video. Do your own research and educate yourself. For those of you who are political, this cause is far more dire then what asshole sits in power today. Net Neutrality has been something I've become increasingly more informed on over the past few years and for the past few years its been a harder fought battle
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It’s a tough corner, but the providers have a responsibility to keep Net Neutrality. We, as the public have a responsibility to accept nothing less. Now, I misuse the internet every day. I play World of Warcraft a couple times a week, I’m a forum warrior as well. But these things do not change that if I wanted to, I have the choice to go anywhere else on the internet and utilize it as the incredible tool it should be. Letting something like what Virgin is up to go without a fight is the same slope we’ve taken with our government. We let those bastards do what they want, when they wanted to with our money for so long we’ve forgotten that we’re in charge of the government. That we have invested power to the government in faith, and the fact of the matter is that faith gets abused every day like in the case you raised. It has gotten bad enough that people don’t care to vote because whomever they vote for is going to fuck them in the end anyway, and they feel helpless to stop it. Why? Because they were quiet at the beginning of it, we gave them the small victories an then the victories got larger. Its a lot worse in the states of course.
The government has a responsibility to serve the public. Through our inaction as a population over time, we have basically given them the ability to ignore our voice while paying lip service to the principle of it. The government violates our human rights every day while making it seem ‘not so bad’ and they’ve been doing it so long and so well and while paying just enough of that lip service to get by without revolt.
The internet is no different, and we do have the right to expect our rights from those who have basically been privatized to support our need and this utility. The difference is that it is within its infantsy and we have the ability to do something about it NOW instead of looking back on it later, shrugging our shoulder and feeling powerless to change something that we’ve let go by uncontended. Truthfully, the internet is one of the few places, as sad as it sounds, that you and I matter. Really matter to the world, where the things that form our hearts and our minds come together and CAN influence and better ourselves and each other. It’s a battle worth fighting and it has become my choice not only to revoke all support to a company that blatantly spits on that freedom, but to bring it to the attention of others as well. It then becomes up to the individual if its important enough to stand up for as well. Its an individual decision, but one that can be won still as the future and what defines the internet is still uncertain, its our responsibility to make damn sure it stays our tool. The providers must learn that even if they are in charge of the course of their company, there are certain lines that cannot be crossed. Net Neutrality is one of those lines.
Now. Back to downloading porn.
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