Feb 28, 2006 03:05
A woman's beauty, like a magic mirror, first distills and then embodies the beauty of nature. Men have no such reflective power. A woman can pour a man a cup of love. She can offer a man her soul. A woman can initiate a man so he gains a taste and a vision of what is hidden within him.
But a woman cannot complete for a man the journey he must take on his own. His union with her will always be incomplete if he cannot attain union with nature and with his own inner spirit.
A man should not let a woman interfere with his work in life. A woman should not let a man dim or diminish the sacred beauty she reflects. Both the male and the female owe a greater allegiance to the Earth than they do to each other.
The eyes of your lover are indeed a magic mirror. At first you will see reflected in your beloved the fulfillment of the secret wishes hidden in yourself. But, as with any magic or enchantment, the powers that amplify your wishes and dreams, if not well utilized, change into their opposite. The mirror, at a latter point in time, reflects back to you not love and beauty but bitterness and illusion--it testifies to your own failures.
Therefore, value truth as much as love. Persevere with all your strength when you gaze into this mirror. What you behold is the mystery of your opposite. See beyond your personal desires. Within your counterpart, a god or goddess is waiting to meet you, to reveal to you the most amazing treasures.
The path to self-knowledge is full of obstacles and barriers. There are places within the soul where men may not go. The waters are too deep. The flow is too pure. If a man dares enter the feminine mysteries he will drown.
And there are places within the spirit where women may not enter: beyond the worlds of form opposites are overcome and the Joy found there is infinite. If a woman dares to enter these masculine mysteries she will be burnt to a crisp.
But if a man could so enter and survive the Earth's womb, to dissolve within that dark place and not lose his masculinity; if a woman could journey into the heart of the sun and survive its fires and its light without loss of her femininity, then the their spirits would no longer be subject to gender limitations--
They would have cast off their mortality and put on immortality. Such individuals are then appointed as the guides and Guardians of the Earth and of evolution. They become the creators of new worlds.