ZOINKS! Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the TV Tropes

Jun 16, 2010 03:21

ZOINKS! Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the TV Tropes
Spoilers for the original Scooby-Doo series, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, which aired from 1969 to 1970.
Image heavy. Warning for heavy doses of nostalgia.

Five Man Band
Trope: The Five Man Band is a group of characters whose members fall into archetypes which all complement one another. They are a very specific team with skills that contribute to the group in a unique way. The group traditionally includes:

THE HERO --lead singer

The leader of the group. Can be clean-cut and upstanding, bold and charismatic, serious and driven, or some combination of the three.

THE LANCER --lead guitar/THE BIG GUY --drummer

The second-in-command, usually a contrast to The Hero. The Lancer is more relaxed and level-headed. / The strongman of the team. May be dumb.

THE SMART GUY --keyboardist/bass guitar

The physically weak, but intelligent or clever member. Often nerdy and awkward played for comic relief.

THE CHICK --vocal effects, tambourine

Sometimes referred to as "the useless girl".
[I love Daphne, but for the first two years of the Scooby-Doo franchise "the useless girl" is painfully accurate.]


The dog, cute alien, or robot buddy. Might occasionally enable plots, but not really a character in the conventional sense.
[lolz. In this case, the description should probably just end two words in.]

The Gang

Monster Of The Week
Trope: Episodes where the characters fight a villain and the whole story is wrapped up at the end, never to be dealt with again.

Dramatic Unmask
Trope: When a masked character takes off his mask, revealing his identity to a shocked character and audience.

"And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for You Meddling Kids!"
--basically every scooby-doo villain ever

Big Eater / Dagwood Sandwich
Trope (Big Eater): A character eats enough for an entire football team, usually devastating the whole table with their insatiable hunger. Often combined with a speed-eating technique that makes food seem to vanish spontaneously from the plate.
Trope (Dagwood Sandwich): You know, those ludicrously tall sandwiches that a Big Eater makes. Often in Western animation a common gag will be for a character to swallow it whole, only for it to expand and leave his neck in the shape of the towering sandwich.

"No, thanks; not one of your jaw-stretcher specials."
--freddie jones

Distressed Damsel
Trope: A character, usually female and nubile, is portrayed as helpless and in danger in order to put the cast in motion.

Blind Without Em
Trope: Nobody who wears glasses in TV ever needs them for minor vision correction, except for reading glasses that are worn mainly to make the character look wise. Almost all TV characters with glasses have such bad vision that if they were deprived of their spectacles, they are practically blind.

"My glasses! I can't see a thing without my glasses!"
--velma dinkley

Heterosexual Life Partners
Trope: Two extremely close friends or partners, both the same gender, who spend an 'excessive' amount of time together on and off the job.

[Hahaha, OKAY. So, in context, this trope could actually be kinda gross. Because Scooby is a dog. But I couldn't find an EPIC BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE trope, so I'm calling this next best thing.]

Trope Namers
Trope: A series usually gets to name a trope if it's so wide-known for the trope it's basically an icon.

Scooby Doo Hoax
Trope: The characters investigate a site with reported paranormal activity. By the end of the episode, they discover that the supposed supernatural activity is nothing but an elaborate hoax taking advantage of local lore to frighten off the curious from discovering and interfering with their main criminal activity.

"Scooby caught the table!" --freddie jones
"Man, this flew like it was jet propelled." --shaggy rogers
"You mean, like fan propelled. See? A fan motor underneath gave it the power." --freddie jones
"And what's that?! It looks like a T.V. camera!" --shaggy rogers
"You're right, Shaggy!" --velma dinkley
"Yeah, it's a miniature T.V. camera. Hey, smile, Scooby." --shaggy rogers
"That's how the ghost got on the crystal ball. Close circuit T.V.!" --freddie jones

Scooby Stack
Trope: When your characters all want to see rather than just sending one person to check so s/he can come back and tell the others, what do you do? The Scooby Stack! We've all seen it a million times in cartoons and comedies: one head pops out from behind a corner or doorframe. Another head pops out above the first. And one more above that.

Shaggy Search Technique
Trope: In the land of fiction, if you need to find secret passages or switches in your Temple of Doom or Haunted Castle, there's not really a point in doing logical things like looking for irregularities, listening for hollows, or other methods. Because the best way to find these things is sheer fluke.

Leaning back for a breather or punching the wall in frustration can end up pushing just the right brick. If The Fool falls over in the ancient mansion, odds are the first candelabra or statue they'll grab for support will be the all-important lever to the hidden safe.

Named after Shaggy in Scooby Doo, who found more clues and secrets through accidents and falling over than any Great Detective ever could.

[Bitches best recognize.]

Scooby Snacks
Trope: One of the most prevalent animal stereotypes. Animal characters, whether talking animals or funny animals, have a love for a certain kind of food that goes to the point of obsession (they go crazy for it) or exclusivity (they eat nothing else).

This trope is named, of course, for Scooby Doo, who will often forgo his usual cowardice for said snacks. So will Shaggy, for that matter…

"Scooby Snacks won't work on me this time." --shaggy rogers
"Will you do it for a Shaggy Snack? A little something I whipped up?" --daphne blake
"A Shaggy Snack?" --shaggy rogers
"Yes! It's a pot pie, with pizza crust, anchovies, pepperoni, cherries, and all in a thick chocolate sauce." --daphne blake
"I'll do it! I'll do it!" --shaggy rogers

[Who made their parents buy these for their dogs? I totally did. We still have the empty boxes somewhere.]

Scooby Doo is also responsible for naming the tropes Let's Split Up Gang and You Meddling Kids, but I wasn't exactly sure how to properly picspam those ones. They're basically dialogue.

Another Scooby named trope is Scooby Dooby Doors. The problem with that one is all of these caps come from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! exclusively, because if I went past that, I would have driven myself insane trying to over-screencap. This was the original series in the franchise, they were just getting into the swing of things. These episodes literally only had one Scooby Dooby Doors moment, it didn't even include the whole gang, and they only went through the doors twice. Thus, I didn't bother.



Netflix . Amazon . Download . Stream
(To DL, you must be a member of tvfl, I think, but it's easy/free and the quality is good.)

It's ridonkulous how hard I worked on this. I hope you liked it/had a moment of, 'Awww Scooby.' (Moments I had in abundance. Because seriously, AW, SCOOBY.)

TV Trope Pages: Scooby Doo; Five Man Band; Monster Of The Week; Dramatic Unmask; Big Eater; Dagwood Sandwich;
Distressed Damsel; Blind Without Em; Heterosexual Life Partners; Trope Namers; Scooby Doo Hoax; Scooby Stack;
Shaggy Search Technique; Scooby Snacks; Let's Split Up Gang; You Meddling Kids; Scooby Dooby Doors

-Fonts: Walkway Rounded, Capture It, Blooming Grove
-Screencaps all taken and colored by me.
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