Jun 15, 2004 10:43
so i'm at my new job. it's pretty chill. the days are so long now though. 9-5 here, then 6-11:30 at the theatre at least 5 days a week. i miss hanging out but i need money and my jobs are good. this job i get like an hour and a half on the clock lunch break, and i chill on a computer all day. it can get boring but i enjoy it. plus, oscar is awesome and it's cool to work with him. my band has been on serious set back mode. i'm really upset about that. regaurdless, it will happen in God's time. I know the right drummer is out there somewhere. in the meantime, i'm going to try and jam with steve's new band, if he EVER CALLS ME!<3 also, me and oscar are going to start jamming. i need to play music. basically, my life is work, so that's all i have to post about. oh yeah, underoath was amazing.