I made a mood theme! It's a Reign of Fire theme, and for those of you who haven't seen it it's one of the slashiest movies that I have ever seen. I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume that you haven't seen it--because if you had the fandom would be larger than
zaneetas and I.
It took me a loooong time to make it, but now it's done!
So, here it is (well some of it anyway...):
Instructions (ganked from Zan and amended):
Only members with paid accounts can install this mood theme, so if you don't have a paid account already, that's step one.
If you are a paid member, go to
this page and copy and paste the text there into Wordpad or Notepad or a similar program. It may look like gibberish, but it's actually the code you'll need to install the theme.
In each line of code, you'll see my personal theme number (46490). Before you can go any further, you need to replace my theme number with one of your own. To do this, go to the
Admin Console and enter in:
moodtheme_create "Reign of Fire" "created by neverbeen2spain"
Then click on "execute". The console should spit out your personal theme number after that. Take that number and go back to the code that I had you copy and paste earlier. Using the "Find and Replace" function, replace all of the 46490s with the personal theme number that you just got.
Once you've finished that, go back to the Admin Console. Copy the entire code -- with your theme number in it -- and paste it into the console. Hit the "execute" button. And now you're scarily close to being done, so just hang on.
Go to Modify Journal and find the scroll down menu called "Select Mood Icon Set". Scroll down to the very bottom of the list you're provided with and click on "Reign of Fire". Choose "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page and you're finished!
Please comment if you're one of the two people on my friendslist with any interest in this movie at all going to take the theme, so I can keep an eye on my server space. Thank you and enjoy!