fic post (frickin finally): Walk the Straight Path Alone

Jun 12, 2015 22:00

I finished a fic!!!! It is for like... two people to read. Maybe three. But I've been meaning to write it for 1.5 years and now it exists!

Walk the Straight Road Alone
The Crossroads and the Gate - Imogen Calhoun
Rating: adult
(swearing, non-graphic violence, explicit sex, god problems, and a lot of stuff about consent - mostly trial-and-error negotiation)
Characters: Arruén/Venadan
Wordcount: 7100ish
Summary: Gods make endings difficult. Gods make everything difficult.
(Alright, Venadan makes things a little difficult too.)
A/N: This is a fanfic of The Crossroads and the Gate, which I love a lot and also have thought way too much about. I recommend reading that before you try to read this (also, I just recommend it in general).

Read it on the AO3!

I wrote this and three other fics by voice memo while driving across the country, which means that I have a weird first draft podfic. Dunno what I'll do with them, maybe some kind of process post. It was interesting, though! I've been reading about Dorothy Sayers and Margery Allingham and several other authors from around that time dictating their novels and my reaction was basically 'woah what how????' The writing technique that I've built up through constant word processor use tends to be very choppy and non-linear, and would drive a typist up the wall. But I was stuck in a car and my phone has a very good voice recorder, so I thought I'd give it a shot with some fics I've had kicking around for 1.5 years to a couple of days, (relatively) short fics that I had fully plotted out. I think it turned out well! Although I then put this fic through four drafts, haha, and I'm still catching typos now that I've posted. ...Let me know if you see anymore.

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

fanfic, misc books

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