
Apr 03, 2014 22:43

I've finished the first draft of my new epic Marvel Comics AU. It's Clint/Carol Danvers, Clint/Natasha, and Clint/Natasha/Bucky. It's currently 23,000 words. There are pretty much an equal ratio of action scenes/sex scenes/Clint being injured and lying around his apartment scenes. It needs a lot of work. It's tentatively titled "I realized that I am an adult and no one can stop me."

Anyway, does anyone want to help me with this monstrosity? I realize I've made it sound super attractive, haha. It really is a silly indulgent mess, but I think it'll be fun when it's finished. No canon knowledge required, since I don't think even an extreme Marvel fan would get my dumb Nextwave jokes.

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comics, fanfic

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