A bunch of random things sort of make a post

Sep 04, 2012 18:32

Three day weekends are the bane of my existence. The extra Monday is never very good out at the ren faire, and then I'm totally useless on Tuesday. I managed to briefly get out of the house this afternoon, but I've since mostly just messed around and watched the US-Canada wheelchair basketball game (which was rad as hell, and then we won :D). By the way, who's excited for paralympics streaming? Me. I am the most excited. I missed wheelchair fencing today, and will def miss it tomorrow, because I have class, but I find all of the sports in the paralympics to be AWESOME to watch, so it is okay. I saw part of one of the seated volleyball matches too, and it was great.

Haven't watched the new Doctor Who episode, and I'm feeling kind of ambivalent about tracking it down. Maybe I'll watch it tomorrow, as an after-class thing, I'm just not awake enough today. I have been watching The Wire, though, as part of my campaign to avoid current television. And man, The Wire is good television - a police/crime show with a really tight grasp on Baltimore as both a setting and a kind of character. Just finished season one, and seriously considering starting season two tonight, even though I have a bunch of other stuff that needs done. I'll probably end up writing a ridiculous Teen Wolf crossover, even though The Wire deserves better - one of the actors was in both shows, and Doctor Who crossovers have taught me that this makes a crossover/fusion fair game.

I've gone from having an aversion to Teen Wolf fic to having a list of fics I'm not writing. Like, I'm not writing the AU where they work at a ren faire, because I ALWAYS want to write that AU for whatever fandom I'm into when I've been working for a while. It's too close to home (like, literally), and I am worried that people won't get it/will get it/idk, I am worried. Even though Derek as a life-long rennie who works at a leather place and Stiles as a playtron with his own armor and sword would be hilarious, nope, not writing this, not least because I can't even talk about it without slipping into rennie slang. It would be a mess.

The list of fics I am writing currently stands at: involved AU that isn't going anywhere and is mostly an excuse for extended Peter, Laura and Derek interactions; and comedy Derek-in-heat fic. I basically knew that I would be working on the AU as soon as I started listening to Sail on repeat and having feelings about Peter Hale (courtesy of this fanmix). The Derek-in-heat thing woke me up on Sunday night (when I had work in the morning) to scribble out half a page. Thanks, brain.

But! There is also a list of things I have written! I hung out on the spice up your life Teen Wolf rare pairs ficathon some, because I love doing prompts. I only ended up writing gen fic, though I do still have my eye on a couple pairing prompts. So:

Teen Wolf
Rating: gen
(major character injury)
Characters: Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Boyd, Isaac Lahey
Wordcount: 1300 words
Summary: Derek gets seriously injured, but his pack and the last of his family are there to take care of him.

And Look at Them
Teen Wolf
Rating: gen
(brief references to canon character illness and character death)
Characters: Derek Hale, Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes
Wordcount: 1200ish words
Summary: The Pack's feelings on Derek's apparent leather jacket requirement.

That's it at the moment. I'm going to make soup and try not to worry about my two classes tomorrow - I have to go be a real grad student, agh. Not sure how to do that when my head is still full of Teen Wolf, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

This entry was originally posted at http://neveralarch.dreamwidth.org/48358.html. Comment wherever you want.

life, misc television, fanfic, teen wolf

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