Life: fencinnnng

Nov 04, 2011 21:24

I'm getting up at a quarter to five tomorrow, to get together with my team and drive to the Big One (a big individuals competition). I don't have to personally drive one of the vans this year, which is awesome excellent news. I do have to host the fencing party tomorrow night, because I have an actual basement this year. It's a trade-off I'll take. Hopefully I'll have good news to report about the competition whenever I get back to my computer.

Another thing to do: post my rejected Machine of Death story. I just got the letter this morning - I wasn't expecting to get in, but it's kind of sad anyway. Regardless, now I feel fine about posting it here. I dunno if anyone's interested, since it's essentially origific and full of my own issues. (As opposed to my fanfic, which is full of my issues, but with characters you care about.)

Also I need to post commentaries and other things that I already have ready to go, but I never actually post. School is draining my ability to comment and post and otherwise interact with people on the internet, but I am trying to fight back and catch up on my flist soon.

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

life, fencing

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