Yuletide reveals and babble

Jan 01, 2011 18:33

So, this year I wrote eleven fics for yuletide. I'm doing short headers, so that I'm not doing this all night. But they're accompanied by babble, because I always have lots to say.

First, let me mention my gift fics again. I got two fics for my asexual!Kierkegaard prompt, which is amazing and I love both of my authors forever and ever, especially since I ended up as a pinch-hit as far as I can tell. The Knight of Infinite Resignation by sinope, and "Do the Orders Say: March On?" by automaticdoor both display far more knowledge of Kierkegaard than I have, and far more awesomeness than I thought possible.

I also have a bunch of fics I liked bookmarked in my delicious, here, in case you want to check it out. I keep finding more to read, though, so it's obviously incomplete.

Okay, on to what I wrote.

I Know This One, for Petra
Gallifrey, Braxiatel/Romana II
4,000ish words, PG

So, this was my assigned fic! I had a good time writing it, even though it was during finals. It actually worked out well, because if I was avoiding my yuletide I would be writing papers, and if I was avoiding my papers, I would be writing my yuletide. sydneywi betaed it for me, because she's awesome. I'm happy with the fic, but I was a little disappointed that I ended up writing for a fandom that I'm already writing for. Especially since Petra also requested a version of Shakespeare/Marlowe, which is, um. A subject I have a half-finished novel on. Unfortunately finals is not a time to be picking up a new fandom, and I'm not familiar at all with the Promethean Age books Petra was referencing.

I did write a pairing I wouldn't have touched before yuletide, though, so I'm still feeling good. And I went a little crazy on Christmas Eve, having come back from school two days before, and picked ten prompts out of the posted letters for yuletide madness. This may have been unwise, because I stayed up until 2 AM trying to finish them all, gave up, and finished the last three on Christmas Day. But I had a blast, so.

Mystery Solving Teens and the Case of the College Application, for ariastar
Hark! A Vagrant, Mystery Solving Teens
400ish words, G

This is probably my most popular yuletide fic. I love Kate Beaton's comics, so when I saw ariastar's blank-check-like prompt, I just went for it.

Tell Everyone About Me, for shell
Dinosaur Comics, Dromeceiomimus
500ish words, G

Shell had a great prompt about exploring Dromeceiomimus' secret life, and I got really into it. I also learned how to spell Dromeceiomimus, which, okay, that was hard.

Brain Coring, for amberite
Girl Genius, Klaus Wulfenbach
300ish words, G

This was definitely a challenge, which is why it's pretty short. Turns out I'm far less familiar with Girl Genius canon than I thought, so I had to do a lot of research even for this.

Playing Shakespeare, for the_alchemist
Doctor Who (The Kingmaker), Richard III
750ish words, G

Which is the third Kingmaker-related fic I've written, I am obsessed. The_alchemist requested Richard-as-Will interacting with his contemporaries, with some specific suggestions about Marlowe and John Dee and Elizabeth I. But - this is where the half-finished Shakespeare/Marlowe novel comes back - Marlowe was dead and John Dee was going through a fairly depressing period of his life in Manchester. And I'm terrified of writing Elizabeth, bah. So instead I dredged up the fact that Shakespeare acted in a Jonson play in 1598, added my obsession with Thomas Nashe,  and made this.

When Gangster Bosses Ruled the City, for iambic
Tintin AU; Tintin, Snowy, Thompson and Thomson
500ish words, G

Iambic gave a fantastic prompt about a noir AU that I ran with. It also gave me an excuse to dig out my copies of the Tintin stories, which I loved as a kid.

Monkey Pays for Hot Cake, for Doire
Journey to the West, ensemble
700ish words, G

I loved writing this. I read Journey to the West when I was fourteen or fifteen, and I always wondered what everyone else thought about Sanzang and his disciples.

Spatter, for tanyart
Lackadaisy, Viktor and Mordecai
400ish words, G

I could write about these guys forever. Their mini-comics are close to my favorite part of Lackadaisy.

Method Acting, for nightcamedown
Brick, Kara and Brendan
550ish words, G

I love Brick so much, maybe more than Brothers Bloom, Rian Johnson's other film. So this is me taking advantage of another blank-check prompt to just write.

Taping, for hooraytheweird
Late Late Show RPF, Craig Ferguson and Peter Capaldi
800ish words, PG-13 for swearing

I loved Capaldi in The Thick of It, which I blew through a couple months ago. And then I realized he also played Frobisher in Children of Earth, and now I just love Capaldi in general. And Craig Ferguson, well. He's just amazing. I sort of knew that they were in a band together way back when, but I hadn't realize Craig had had Capaldi on his show. Hooraytheweird's prompt filled a hole in my life, guys.

Video Kills, for nano
The Thick of It, series 1 ensemble
950ish words, PG-13 for swearing

I've been dying to write fic for The Thick of It, but I hadn't managed to get anywhere. Nano's request pushed me over the edge, and I think I'll write more (hopefully soon). So that's good!

So, in summary, yuletide was a great time, and I'm definitely doing it next year! Hopefully I will start writing treats before Christmas Eve though, that was ridiculous.

yuletide, doctor who, asexuality

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