OK, who slipped me the crank?

May 17, 2008 19:16

Whoa.  I'm beat. Today I've:
  • Washed, dried and folded a butt-ton of laundry
  • Straightened up the house, gathered up the recycling, made the bed, scrubbed the loo.
  • mailed a package for the hubby
  • got my oil changed
  • ran a buncha errands
  • picked up a few groceries
  • washed the whole outside of my house and the windows (An aside, ewww.  Some errant shrubberies on the north side of our house apparently blocked enough sunlight to cause a bit of mold to grow on the ENTIRE side of the house.  We finally discovered it after removing said shrubberies.  Hooray bleach  -our white vinyl siding is white again!  All you folks with HOAs and built in lawn care, rejoice - for verily doeth it suck to have to deal with this shit yourself.)
  • sprayed the hell out of some poison oak that's taking over two flowerbeds - hatehatehate.  Both the hubby and I break out at the mere thought of going near the stuff - as a matter of fact, I have a couple of itchy spots on my arms and I'm 102% sure I didn't touch the stuff.  Here's hoping it's psychosomatic.
  • Potted some annuals - petunias, impatiens, geraniums OH MY.
  • Scooped the poop (and thank you kitty for covering everything with litter but the stanklicious Golgothum in your box.  I'll remember that, you little turd.
I think it's time for some good beer and bad TV.  Verily.  :)   
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