(no subject)

Jun 08, 2010 00:18

We walked the boardwalk today. A man invited us into his shop to do shots of flavored tequila. He had pomegranate, soursomething, and mango. They were very good, but probably not a good idea on an empty stomach, so we went and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe after buying a little bottle of the mango tequila. Seriously, that stuff was delicious.

I learned the location of a reputable tattoo parlor, so expect pictures of either my shiny new tattoo or my shiny new facial piercings before the week is out.

We ate at the pool and I had a frozen pina colada. It was really coconutty and very good and I could've easily had two. After that, we walked on the beach and I swear to God, a dingo came up to us. I don't know if dingos even live in Mexico, or anything dingolike, but I took pictures of it, came back and googled 'dingo', and that animal was a goddamn dingo.

Also, she was adorable.

For your comparing pleasure: Our new friend. A dingo.

Do dingos/dingo-like animals live in Mexico? Someone should google that for me. I would, but all of the pages come up in Spanish which, uh, I don't speak.

tequila, vacation, mexico, dingo, pina colada

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