Who: Reno and Aerith [Closed]
When: Monday; Afternoon
Where: In front of Reno's room.
What: After talking to Reno about finding his weapon, she wants to make sure that he wasn't secretly cleaning and actually made a mess.
Warnings: Ummm...that's a good question actually...none for now.
Where did you find your weapon? Hmmmm? )
Comments 9
"You're pretty quick, yo," he started. He hadn't expected Aerith to actually find his room. "I found it under my bed. Figures it'd be in the most obvious place, huh?"
He looked at her for a moment, still trying to get past the whole 'being alive' thing.
"You look good." Surprisingly, that wasn't mean't as a compliment but more of just a statement.
She was a little surprise that Reno gave her a compliment, but she was certain that he wasn't really giving her a compliment. A small playful smile appeared before she said with her hands on her hips, "I almost thought you were being sweet." Then she looked at him and asked, "What did you expect, hm? A zombie?"
He paused for a moment, remembering to think before he spoke when Aerith said zombie. That little joke ventured pretty close to what he knew and he knew it would be a pretty bad idea to tell her about what will happen to her in the future. The only reason he even mentioned anything to Zack about his own death was because he knew the guy could take it. He wasn't so sure about Aerith.
"Nah. It's just been a real long while since I've seen ya."
It didn't take very long for Aerith to catch the mood changing from friendly to...a bit dark. She titled her head curiously wondering if something was on his mind because he seemed like he was thinking about something important. Aerith decided to act like she didn't notice anything, so she kept a smile on her lips.
"Hmmm...I forgot how long ahead you're in. How many years has it been since you last saw me?"
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