Jul 05, 2010 21:58
Who: Vexen and Open
What: Never Was has decided that it's winter time, and with that comes... floating, flying snowballs that peg random people in the street.
Where: In the Town Square
When: Mid-day
Warnings: Um... flying, homing snowballs bouncing off people's heads for no apparent reason? Vexen apparently has a sense of humor.
Those going about their daily business in the center of town might find themselves harassed by snowballs. No one is in sight that could possibly be throwing them, and they apparently come out of nowhere. What's worse, they seem to home in onto the backs of the heads of various passer-byes, and if one stopped to watch the oddness from somewhere off to the side, they'd notice that the snowballs don't just home in on their targets--they outright stalk everyone.
Anyone with enough observational skills can also notice that the tables in front of the Café are clear of these strange stalking snowballs. There is a lone occupant at the tables, Vexen, but it couldn't be him that's causing all of this. He is clearly holding a steaming mug of coffee and reading some book or another, minding his own business. The snow closest to him is untouched, the source of the snowballs clearly not from this pile, or any of the other assorted piles near him.
[OOC: Sorry; I couldn't help myself.]