I'm taking a break from writing the conclusion of
A Grand Total and I figured I'd give an update.
So, I got back from Illinois last night, and I am so totally ecstatic to be back in Texas. It was not a great trip, and I'm about to inform you of why.
< Insert 'bitch' here. >
We (three males from my lab and I) were scheduled to fly out Sat morning. Early. And of course, I started my period late Friday night, so Saturday was miserable. All the fun period stuff: cramps, hot flashes, irritability, and to top it all off, I threw up three times in the St. Louis airport. Yay.
We get there, and I have to share a shitty little motel room with one of the males, which, surprisingly, wasn't all that bad. I'm just glad we didn't get the room that smelled like ass. However, our shower did crap out on us the fourth day. Anyway, I got to spend four days sitting next to a rather smelly labmate who likes moving in his seat just enough to hit me. Thanks for that one. Only one 30 minute talk out of FOUR DAYS OF TALKS, EACH DAY HAVING APPROXIMATELY 15 TALKS pertained to me, which of course makes the trip worth it. < / sarcasm >
At least the poster session was good. Lots of people stopped by and talked to me. Got some ideas. Met some people. It was fun.
But then it was time to come back. We almost missed our flight. Then in the St. Louis airport, we had a scare that our flight would be cancelled and we would have to take a 5:45 AM flight instead of our nice 6:02 PM flight. I turned to the guys and told them that there was no way in hell I was staying another night there, and if our flight was cancelled, we were going to march our asses right back to the car rental place and Ryan was driving our asses back to Texas if it took him all night.
Luckily, it didn't come to that.
But once we arrived back home, I discovered that a.) our luggage did not arrive with us and b.) my car wouldn't start. After a mini-freak out, I got it started, picked up my dog, and came home to hide in my apartment.
...And that was my trip. Fun, huh?