011 [Voice]: Purposeless

Nov 19, 2008 18:26

[Private | Moderately hackable]
You'd think a phone able to get a signal just about anywhere in the bloody universe might have a chance to pick one up here, but no. Not that I've got the faintest idea what I'd say if I did manage to get a call out. "Hi, mum, trapped in a different alternate universe. I might be here a while, don't wait up."

Yeah, that'd go over well. It's not like I could tell her I'm safe. I couldn't even tell her I'm with the Doctor, now. At least she'd've accepted that.

Sort of.

Stupid Econtra...

It's funny, it's been a while since I've been homesick. I mean really homesick, not just a bit out of sorts. Of course, it's been a while since I've felt this completely useless. I mean, sure, I've been in over my head. Loads of times. A bit more often than actually being sure of what I was doing, really. But this is different. There was always this sense that there was something that could be done. That could...fix the problem, make it better somehow. And that I could at least help with that.

I mean, it was usually something that might blow up spectacularly, but it's worth the risk.

This, though, it's starting to feel a bit futile. I can't think of anything, not really, not that'll help on any sort of scale that would be useful. I'm not even Torchwood here. Just me.

[Very quiet, likely not meant to be picked up.] Even if I get back, I'll still be trapped.

emo rose is emo, stupid econtra

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