Aug 09, 2006 00:28
So, I got this idea! Kind of like a book club, kind of not.. Well, the idea grew from my thinking how it would be cool to do a movie club where there's a certain movie you watch each week, and then talk about it.. but I know with all 30 members we have that wouldnt fly. lol, so I got this other idea... I'm still working out the kinks of it, maybe suggestions would help!
So far i thought that we should make a list of, lets say, 100 films or so, films that are "never seen it" type films, films you think are soo inspiring, that you feel everyone should see. These should be films that are available on DVD though.. Just because that's easier for everyone.. And we post the list... and then.. I'm not sure, people can have the list if they ever feel like they have run out of films? See, this is where my idea kind of dies. So I was hoping for suggestions.
Maybe we should just do the list?
!mod post