Title: "A Letter to the Doctor" (or: "Better with Three")
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters Alt-Doctor / Rose
Rating: G
Spoilers: The Christmas Invasion, Journey's End (inc. deleted scene)
Disclaimer: The BBC owns Doctor Who, and therefore my life.
Author's Note: This is a little ficlet that I wrote in-between chapters 20 and 21 of
Belonging. It's terribly cute and fluffy, and for that I can only apologise.
Complete one-shot: 1,000 words precisely.
I don't know if this letter will ever reach you. It's been placed in the Torchwood vaults, with strict instructions that if the void between our universes ever opens again, if it is ever possible for somebody to get through to your world, then you should be tracked down, and this letter given to you.
London, 2 October 2012
Dear Doctor,
I don't know if this letter will ever reach you. It's been placed in the Torchwood vaults, with strict instructions that if the void between our universes ever opens again, if it is ever possible for somebody to get through to your world, then you should be tracked down, and this letter given to you.
At the very least, it will be passed to the Torchwood of your world. I'm sure Jack will find a way of getting it to you somehow.
I thought you should know, that's all. I thought you'd be happy to hear our news.
We're having a baby. It's a boy; we had the scan a few months ago, here at Torchwood. They're being very good to the three of us, carrying out all of the medical care. We thought it best so have the birth here too, in the circumstances.
It's nearly time for him to be born, I'm huge! It feels strange, you know how slim I was, and seeing this huge bump in front of me all the time is a little disconcerting. I've forgotten what my feet look like.
I do love it, though. Every day I feel this tiny life growing inside me, getting bigger and stronger, and more impatient to make his way into this big, bright world. This alternate Earth where I have made my home. Where we've made our home.
It feels like home, now that I'm not lonely anymore.
The Doctor and Rose, together, just as it should be. Well… not the Doctor. It's John Smith, now. We both thought it was for the best.
And now… there's going to be three of us. I wonder what we'll call him. John, I suppose, after his father. Or Peter, after his granddad. Or maybe we should call him Jack, in the Captain's honour. Yes, Jack would be a good name for this glorious son of ours. He needs a good, strong name.
I often wonder if he'll be fully human, or part Gallifreyan or… part Donna Noble. I can imagine him now, thick ginger hair and an attitude.
I bet you're smiling at the thought of that while you're reading this, if you ever do.
I'm a bit scared, of course. Not just of the birth, but of the whole concept of us bringing up a child. This is a big responsibility, a huge life-changing experience. I suppose all new parents go through this, but… even so.
Anyway, I might drop a photo of the little chap in with this letter once he's born, just so you can see if he is ginger. If he is, you are going to be so jealous!
I always wanted to be ginger. I remember saying that to Rose, just after I regenerated for the ninth time, remember? On that big scary Sycorax ship?
This is weird, sort of writing a letter to myself, yet to a different person. I suppose we're the same person, in a way. We just took separate paths.
I don't suppose you'll ever have any more children, will you? You'll never settle down with anyone, not while you have that wanderlust burning in those old hearts of yours. Although in a way, this boy is your son too.
It's strange, only having one heart. I'm still getting used to it. Before the bump got too big, I liked to lay close to Rose, so close that I could feel her heart beating against my chest, hear that double thump and remember what it felt like to be a Time Lord.
Still am, partly. Turns out there was still enough Time Lord DNA in me to ensure that I could become pregnant and carry our child. Rose is still a bit freaked out by it, I think. Jackie still looks at me like a green squid is about to burst out of my belly, and Pete winces every time he looks at me; he's probably thinking about the imminent birth. Still, everybody will love him once he's here.
Little Tony, on the other hand, has taken all of this in his stride. Children are so open-minded at this age, don't you find?
I'm going to take good care of this little one, Doctor, don't you worry. And that piece of the TARDIS you gave us is growing nicely. Maybe, one day, the three of us will see you around.
I wonder if you've regenerated again. I'm rather fond of this face, I'm almost glad it will never change, except for wrinkles, and grey hair and stuff. Trying not to think about that too much, but Rose is forever taking the mickey about it happening one day; you know how she loves to tease.
Take care of yourself, Doctor, and whoever else you've managed to persuade to chase round after you.
By the way, I know what must have happened to Donna, in the end. I hope you managed to save her, before it was too late. And... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I hope the consequences of that didn't hit you too hard. Although... knowing me, it will have taken you a while to get over it.
You'll be alright. You always are. Just... keep on running. I miss that, sometimes, the running, but I'm sure this little one is going to keep me running around enough to last me a lifetime.
Love to you,
John Smith
PS Doctor, this is Rose. It's the 6th of October 2012, and our gorgeous little boy, Jack Peter Smith, was born yesterday. He's completely human.
I'm so glad John didn't seal the envelope! There's a photo enclosed. As you can see, he's got huge brown eyes and his hair is blond, like mine, not ginger. He has a good set of lungs on him though; he yelled the place down the minute he was born. Maybe he's got a little part of Donna in him after all.
Father and baby are both doing well. All my love. Forever xxx