Title: I Saw Three Ships
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Various
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 for sexual content
Spoilers: Journeys End, Series One of Torchwood and Planet of the Dead respectively
Description: Three drabbles, each of 100 words precisely, featuring slash pairings that will either delight, disgust or disturb you.
Author's Note: These drabbles could probably be described as a little on the cracky side, and will either make you giggle, aww, or spit out your choice of beverage all over your keyboard. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Doctor indulged in one final, lingering kiss. "I have to be going," he murmured against his lover's lips.
"We can never be seen together, Doctor."
The Doctor squeezed the other man comfortingly. "We'll be careful."
"And it's not just because of the age difference…"
The Doctor smiled. "Oh shush, Wilfred Mott. Appearances mean nothing. I'm much older than you."
Wilf had a strength and vigour far belying his age. The Doctor was very fond of him.
"It would kill her…"
In more ways than one; the Doctor was aware of that.
And he would ensure that Donna never knew.
"Oh baby… feels so good…" Jack moaned.
Stolen moments with his lover, late at night when everyone had gone home, were so precious to him.
Jack grasped tightly at the hand squeezing and stroking his cock, and when he came, spilling hotly over his lover's fist, he took those cool fingers into his mouth and sucked at them greedily.
"See you tomorrow, sweetheart…" Jack murmured, as he put the severed hand back into the bubbling fluid of its storage tank.
Jack smiled sadly. This was the only part of the day when he didn't miss the rest of the Doctor.
The Doctor gripped the phone tightly. His other hand was occupied elsewhere.
"I'm naked…" said the voice in his ear.
The Doctor groaned. "Oh, me too…"
"Imagine I'm running my hands all over you…" That Welsh accent was so sexy.
"Yes… your hand on my hard cock… squeezing…" the Doctor panted.
"Doctor… I love you!"
The Doctor's orgasm closely followed that of his excited, screaming lover.
They had first met on the phone, and the sex was so much better when they were light years apart.
"Talk to you again tomorrow, Malcolm." The Doctor ended the call with a smile.