Aug 06, 2004 00:49
i donT EveN knOw...will someone please explain it to me?? i had to get up at 8:00am and i was extremely tired because someone called me at 1:30 in the morning *cough cough joey cough cough*i love you babe<3 but we talked till like 2:00 and it was all good but i had to get up and go to work in the morning:/ i had to work till 1:00pm and then i went and got my nails done for the first time so they kinda hurt right now! Tonight i went to a *Freshmen Ice Cream Social* were i was in charge of name tags with Kristine :) and bingo (but it really wasnt bingo it was fake lol) with Heather and Kristine :) it was a lot of fun!
Heather Smith...heather-"andrea this boy just yelled at me" me-(tap on his shoulder) "hey did you just yell at my friend heather" heather-"yeah he did" me-"well justin (the kids name) we have a problem" lol me and heather walk away...hahaha he yelled at her again for the 2nd time! heather-"that girls underwear are hangin out" me-"should we tell her?" heather-"i dont know i dont wanna be mean" me-(walk over to the girl) "your underwear are hangin out! (smile and walk away) haha omg best night...i love you<3 tomorrow we are going blonde for $10 lol love you babe <3
This year should be awesome! But im bummed that summer is over:( Its very sadding (not sure if that is a word or not lol)
...tonight i had some very interesting conversations with my friends...
Natalie Zach...S.B.M its fucking on <3 i love you thanks for listening to everything i had to hahaha i was very proud of myself tonight:) natalie -"hes gettin his ass beaten to the g.r.o.u.n.d" me -"hell y.e.a.h" lol love you <3
Lauren Daley a.k.a "L""am i gunna have to hit a bitch?" lauren-"no not tonight" omg i love you sooo much....dont worry about it everything will work out just fine...thanks a lot for the talk tonight i really liked it! you are very inspiring lol....1st period AMT is gunna be awesome...i cant you babe <3
...heres my schedule for this year let me know if you have any classes with me :)
1-AMT 2-World History 3-Italian II 4-Biology 5-Algebra 6-Old Testament 7-World Literautre
But im gunna go to bed....ttyl
P.S. tomorrow heather and i are going blonde hahaha i love you heather <3