[Name]: Aliza
[Age]: 17
[Gender]: female
[Birthday]: 1-17-87
[Nationality]: English, Irish, Norwegian, Scottish, Danish, Swedish, German
[Hair colour]: Dirty Blonde
[Hair style]: Hmm..
[Eye colour]: Brown
[Skin colour]: White
[Height]: 5'4
[Piercings]: 3-ears
[Usually Wears]: clothes
[Positive personality traits]: I am understanding, don't usually get upset by things
[Non-positive personality traits]: I am shy. Err.
[Likes]: Movies, Music, Tennis, Soccer, Basketball, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream...and Disneyworld. lol.
[Dislikes]: People who lie, mice
[Fears]: Mice, and sorta heights
.Family Life.
[Lives with]: Mom, Dad, and Eric
[Sibling(s)]: Eric - 13
[Pet(s)]: 1 Cat - Pumpkin
[Relationship with family]: Usually good
:: a dream is a wish your heart makes :: when you're fast asleep!
[Your initials spell out]: AJE
[Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?]: Yes my very first pet...although they got sick and all died...
[Do you eat Goldfish?]: The actually fish? No. The crackers? Yes.
[Your favorite birthday memory]: I don't think I have ever really had a really good birthday memory
[Moment you're most proud of]: Proud? Umm...I really don't know
[Moment you're most ashamed of]: Ha. we don't need to go into that
[Celebrity crush]: Joel Madden and Adam Russell
[Non-celebrity crush]: *ahem* FM
:: fill in the blanks, mofo ::
[Pirates are]: Awesome. I heart Pirates.
[Don't be fooled by]: Lies
[I'm too sexy for my]: car? ha.
[Courtney Love is]: yeah..
[I'd like another]: drink
[I don't understand]: you
[Where have all the good people]: gone
[Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.]: Dude.
[Girls are]: Girls.
[Boys are]: Boys.
[Only the _______ survive]: strong
[Can I get a booyah?]: booyah!!
[Name?]: Aliza
[Age?]: 17
[Location?]: In my house
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: No...
[Whats his/her name?]: Well since I don't have one..
[Whats one word you could think of to describe them?]: amazing
[Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?]: psh.
[If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?]: Suree..but they don't
[Fav movie?]: Pirates of the Caribbean
[Fav person you know?]: Christina n Rachael
[Fav food and drink?]: Mint chocolate chip ice cream and sprite
[Fav shirt you own?]: My bright green dublin one I suppose
[Fav place you've been to?]: Florida
[Fav colors?]: orange, green, dark blue
[Fav place to be?]: With Fm. awww. lol
[Fav store?]: uhh...uhhh...I can't choose
[Fav tv show?]: I don't really watch TV shows
[Fav song?]: At the moment..."Promise" - Matchbook Romance, "Vindicated" - Dashboard Confessional, and "Chiago is so two years ago" - Fall Out Boy
[Pepsi or coke?]: Pepsi
[Chocolate or vanilla?]: Vanilla
[Internet or phone?]: Internet
[McDonalds or Burger King?]: McDonalds
[Eminem or 50 cent?]: Eminem
[Make up or no make up?]: Idc
[Cat or dog?]: Cat
[Spanish or French?]: Spanish
[Lights on or lights off?]: on
[Hungry or full?]: Full
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?]: Hot chocolate
---are you---
[Suicidal?]: No
[Stubborn?]: I can be
[Open-minded?]: Yes
[Arrogant?]: No
[Patient?]: Very
[Hyper?]: Not usually, lol
[Nice?]: I like to think so
[Happy?]: Sometimes
[Depressed?]: At times
---who do you want to---
[Fuck?]: jake gyllenhaal...uh huh
[Kiss?]: Um. *ahem* Fm would be great *ahem*
[Hurt?]: No one that I can think of
[Beat the shit out of?]: ^^
[Kill?]: ^^
[Hug?]: Umm..Adam again would be great. :)
---with the opposite sex---
[Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?]: Blue
[Hair color?]: Either really light or really dark. One extreme or the other. lol
[Curly or straight?]: A little curly
[Tall or short?]: Def taller than me
[Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?]: See hair color ^
[Pale tan or in the middle?]: Middle I suppose
---would you---
[Shave your head for $1000?]: Hell no
[Cheat on your bf/gf?]: Never
[Eat a bug?]: Depends on what it is
[Be on fear factor?]: No
[Kill yourself?]: Never
[Cut yourself if you were depressed?]: No
[Turn goth?]: No
[Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?]: Depends on what I'd get out of it. lol.
---your friends---
[Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?]: Rachael and Christina
[Whos ur best friend of the same sex?]: See above ^
[Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?]: Uhh...
*Hobbies and stuff*
[What grade are you in?]: 12th. eek.
[What kind of grades do you make?]: 80's-90's
[Do you like school?]: Not usually
[Are you involved in any sports?]: Tennis...use to play basketball n soccer
[Whats your favorite subject?]: History I suppose
[Whats your least?]: Math = death
[Do you have alot of friends?]: I guess so yes
[What type of people do you hang out with?]: Anyone really
[Do you make friends easily?]: Yes
[Are you outgoing or shy?]: Unfortunately I am fairly shy
[Do people find you funny?]: Yes I think so
[Do you have a positive out look on life?]: Usually, Yes
[Do you like to listen to what people say?]: Yeah
[Sport]: Tennis, Soccer, and Basketball...I can't choose one
[Car]: eclipse, camero
[Clothing]: Hoodies
[Shoes]: Hmm...
[Book]: Uh..The Five People You Meet in Heaven
*Opposite Sex*
[What do you look for in a relationship?]: Kind, respectful, funny, fun to be around, good looking is a plus
[Looks or Personality?]: I say looks are a plus, but I try not to judge people by looks
[Does it matter that he/she is a different race?]: No
*Goals in life*
[What do you plan on doing for employment later in life?]: Well, Possibly an Elementary School teacher
[Do you want to get married?]: Yes I do
[Have kids?]: Yup
[If so, how many kids?]: Probably 2, possibly 3?
[What do you want to name your kids?]: I am not realy sure yet
[If you dont want kids why not?]: -
[Do you plan on going to college?]: Yeah
[Do you like cheetos?]: Yessum
[Do you do drugs?]: Nope
[Drink liquor?]: Occasionally