Feb 07, 2004 23:16
I'm so tired right now. I woke up at 4:30 and didn't get home until 9:30 tonight. Worked swapmeet then yearbook for the remainder of the day. TOday I realized how nice it is to talk to old friends who I haven't chatted with in a while, it's refreshing to hear how they're doing. I talked a lot with Paulina and Bukky all day, which was cool. I also realized some people take things waaaay too personally. Other people surprise me at how fun they can be when I least expect it...others how weird, and others how...slutty. Someone asked me an intriguing question the other day: Do I have any friends at school any more that I know I couldn't live without. I thought for a minute, and I realized something that really made me sad: no one. I realized all my friends, or people who have been my friends in the past, have come and gone. No one, not a single person, has remained with me through each year. And as sad is that is for me to realize, I then think that we only have a few months of school left anyway, and I'll probably never see most of these people again. So since I have such a short time left with them, I try to numb myself to hurtful comments that may arise or anything of the sort, because I know that in 4 months I won't care anyway. And I don't want to be sad when we all part, because the truth is I will truly miss a select few people, but to keep from being too sad I figure if I distance myself from them now, it won't be so bad. I'm kind of glad no one I know is going to NYU as well. I want to start over, begin a new life with new friends who I know I'll keep forever.