When is this baby coming out?

Jun 11, 2012 07:58

I'm just reaching the last week or so of pregnancy and I'm eagerly waiting for this kid to pop out. I started having some false labor contractions last week and they've been off and on since then- boo! My midwife people had me go to labor and delivery at the hospital last Tuesday to get monitored, but my contractions weren't consistent enough for them to officially say that labor was starting. That's ok, Chris and I weren't all together ready at that point anyway, he doesn't even have a car seat in his car- I've got mine all set up, though.
I just finished up with my Spring term of school and my work isn't giving me anymore pet sits or dog walks so now it's just a waiting game for this kid to get out of me.
Anytime now, kid...

Oh, here's a belly picture from almost two weeks ago!

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