(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 13:34

Brittany Snell

T. D. Schuby

Sociology 201

17 October 2006

Mid- Term Exam
  1. Recently I applied to a local Target store hoping to obtain a job as a cashier. I was given two interviews and was told that I would be called back within the next two days. I waited at home for the next two days for this call. After the two days was up and I still hadn’t received a call, I gave up. About three weeks after this happened I was informed by my boyfriend who has worked there for three years that a new cashier was hired. The new cashier was a male who was only seventeen years old. I, being eighteen had less hourly restrictions as him so it puzzled me as to why he received the job before me, when I was interviewed first. I was interviewed by two different males who I have learned through my boyfriend are very sexist. They make remarks about women that make them seem less superior to males. After I investigated and learned this information I have came to the conclusion that the social force of sexism was the primary cause for this to happen. The two males who interviewed me held a position of power which led to the persuasion of hiring an under aged male rather than me, who is not under age but female. These two males were very sexist before me so I have no doubt in my mid that their sexism was the reason I was not hired.


3. Socialization is the process whereby through human interaction people acquire the norms, values of cultural and their personality. This process is important to the individual because it sets the standards for one to be socially accepted. All an individual wants is to be socially accepted, so the agents of socialization influence the individual’s behavior to strive to be accepted. Society is upheld by three main components; a social contract or agreement, a social reality for and individual and socialization. This is important to society because without these components the society would not function correctly. 2


5. In a hunting and gathering society their political (process of making major decisions) and economical (Process of how goods and services are produced and distributed) institutions differ dramatically. A hunting and gathering society has no material surplus or private property making everyone in that society equal and classless. Everyone in the society is included in making major decisions. Men and women both supply food. Men hunt whatever animals they can find to supply for their community and women gather berries, which usually makes up a majority of food supply, and it is all distributed evenly amongst the society. However in an Advanced Pastoral or Horticultural society material surplus is present. They have the ability to have a division of labor and even have a ruling class. The warrior class is held up high for this society as well because their lives are at greater stake. Being so much more advanced than hunting and gathering society they are able to domesticate food supply and animals for labor.

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