A new year, a new start, a new look at life.

Dec 30, 2008 13:19

2009 is almost here.
I cannot believe we have gone through another year in life.
This year just seemed to fly by unlike any other.
Despite it's quick passing, it was a great year to remember.

Now with the new year looming ahead, I can't help but already skip ahead a few months into the year looking forward to the things that will be happening then.
I have a feeling this year is going to be an exciting year.
Already there are so many unknown events that are going to take place and it is hard to not want to rush ahead in order to see the future clearer and pin things down.

I have no idea where Randy and I will be at, at the end of next year. It's weird to think that I might not be here in this same place at this same time a year from now.
There are so many possibilities and there is little to no certainty placed on any set location.
For all we know we could be in Atlanta, Huntsville, Nashville, TX, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Florida, etc.
It's exciting and unnerving. Because while Randy will have settled into his new job, I will be on the hunt for another new job for myself as well as a new school to finish my interior design degree if we are no longer anywhere near Birmingham.
But the good reassuring thing is, is that we'll be going together and hopefully together as a married couple.

With the subject of where his job might take us, we are unsure as to whether or not we can still get married in October. It's hard to decide on a place when we're not sure if we'll be near that place anymore in just 4 months time.
So many questions, so many unknown factors.... it's what makes the start of this new year so darn exciting. I can't wait to see where we end up getting to start our family.
My fingers are crossed for getting the heck out of this state... but who knows... we might still be here in four months. We'll know soon enough, right? :)
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