fine, i'll do italoadoffmytoeAugust 17 2005, 21:31:07 UTC
Time started: 9:00 *Name:Josh *Nickname: Joush, jewsh, goose, joshywashy, shit goose(don't ask) *Single or Taken: SINGLE *Sex: Male *Birthday: sep, 14, 87 *Sign: Virgo *Siblings: Big sis *Hair color: Dark brown *Eye color: Medium blueish green? *Shoe size: 11 *Height: 5'7" *Innie or Outie: Innie *What are you wearing right now: Plad shorts, grey T *Righty or lefty: righty
~Relationships~ ------------------------------------------ *Who are your closest friends? Don't realy have any where i am :( *Best place to go for a date: a Concert (a good one with lots a people and a good band)
~Fashion Stuff~ ---------------------------------------- *Where is your favorite place to shop: Hmmm, i don't know *Do you have any tattoos or piercing? none
~Faves~ ------------------------------------------ *Color: yellow *Number(s):35 seriousely *Food: inn-n'-out! *Boys name: Al *Girls name: uh... susey? *Subject in school: SiFi english! *Animal: Rihno *Drink : Grape soda *Celebrity: Tom Cruis(he's a role model for all short guys) *Sport: Hockey *Veggie: onion!!! *Fruit : Aples *Fast food place: inn-n'-out *Place to visit: Yosemetie *Month: december *Juice: Grape *Finger: Pinky *Ice Cream: vanilla *Breakfast: breakfast buritos *Perfume/Cologne : Meh
Have You Ever ------------------------------------------ *Given anyone a bath: nope *Smoked: A pretzle *Bungee jumped: no *Broken the law: no *Made yourself throw-up: no *Gone skinny dipping: no, too self consiouse *Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yeah *Eaten a dog biscuit: dog food i have. tastes like how it smells *Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no, i'm not an idiot *Loved someone that made you cry: yes *Played truth or dare: yeah *Been in a police car: no *Been on a plane: yup *Been in a sauna: yeah, feels good. *Been in a hot tub: yes *Swam in the ocean: yeah *Ever had a sex dream: only like 4. i know *Cried when someone died: yeah *Flashed someone: yeah *Lied: YES *Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: probably *Saved e-mails: i save all my e-mails. i <3 Gmail *Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: nah *Made out with JUST a friend: ew *Been rejected? almost every time *Been in love? no idea *Used someone: yeah *Been cheated on? no *Done something you regret?: i have indeed, but i don't regret it first thing that comes to mind ------------------------------------------ *Red: luck *Blue: the sky *Happy: land *Autumn: man *Cow: poop *Greenland: iceland ------------------------------------------ *Your good luck charm: i used to have a chekered bracelet, but it got lost. *Stupidest thing you have ever done: ran into the sliding glass door twice in the same day *Your crush: alot *Your most prized possession: pocket bible *Last thing you ate: seseme chicken *drool* *Fave song: ? *Best thing that has happened to you this year: it was... not alot of good things happened this year. in fact alot of shit things happened this year ----------------------------------------- *Chicken pox: when i was little *Sore Throat: yes *cold: yes *Stitches: indeed 4 on my foot *Bloody nose: like a million times (i used to pick my nose) *Crabs: ew ------------------------------------------ *Believe in love at first sight: shure, why not *Enjoy parks: swings are awsome *Like picnics: they rock *Like school: if it didnt starts so damn early <--second that *What schools have you gone to: vishie, bellare, redwood, napa high, tech high, ponderosa high. *Hate anyone: not realy ------------------------------------------ *Who is the last person that called you: uncle chris *Makes you laugh the most: jeff *Makes you smile: mitch *Can make you feel better no matter what: my big sis ------------------------------- Was the last person *you touched?:Jaden my niece *You talked to last: danny *Messaged: James *You hugged?: Jaden *You Kissed?: julie (when we were still together) *yelled at: my mom
Do You/Are You ------------------------------------------ *Do you like yourself: somtimes *Do you get along with your family: i try *DO drugs- no *Color your hair?: no *Piercing below the waist?: NO *Habla espanol: Si habla no espaniol *Stolen anything ever? music once or twice *Obsessive: no *Compulsive: no *Anorexic: ha *Depressed? nah *Suicidal? not emo
*Nickname: Joush, jewsh, goose, joshywashy, shit goose(don't ask)
*Single or Taken: SINGLE
*Sex: Male
*Birthday: sep, 14, 87
*Sign: Virgo
*Siblings: Big sis
*Hair color: Dark brown
*Eye color: Medium blueish green?
*Shoe size: 11
*Height: 5'7"
*Innie or Outie: Innie
*What are you wearing right now: Plad shorts, grey T
*Righty or lefty: righty
*Who are your closest friends? Don't realy have any where i am :(
*Best place to go for a date: a Concert (a good one with lots a people and a good band)
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your favorite place to shop: Hmmm, i don't know
*Do you have any tattoos or piercing? none
*Color: yellow
*Number(s):35 seriousely
*Food: inn-n'-out!
*Boys name: Al
*Girls name: uh... susey?
*Subject in school: SiFi english!
*Animal: Rihno
*Drink : Grape soda
*Celebrity: Tom Cruis(he's a role model for all short guys)
*Sport: Hockey
*Veggie: onion!!!
*Fruit : Aples
*Fast food place: inn-n'-out
*Place to visit: Yosemetie
*Month: december
*Juice: Grape
*Finger: Pinky
*Ice Cream: vanilla
*Breakfast: breakfast buritos
*Perfume/Cologne : Meh
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a bath: nope
*Smoked: A pretzle
*Bungee jumped: no
*Broken the law: no
*Made yourself throw-up: no
*Gone skinny dipping: no, too self consiouse
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yeah
*Eaten a dog biscuit: dog food i have. tastes like how it smells
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no, i'm not an idiot
*Loved someone that made you cry: yes
*Played truth or dare: yeah
*Been in a police car: no
*Been on a plane: yup
*Been in a sauna: yeah, feels good.
*Been in a hot tub: yes
*Swam in the ocean: yeah
*Ever had a sex dream: only like 4. i know
*Cried when someone died: yeah
*Flashed someone: yeah
*Lied: YES
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: probably
*Saved e-mails: i save all my e-mails. i <3 Gmail
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: nah
*Made out with JUST a friend: ew
*Been rejected? almost every time
*Been in love? no idea
*Used someone: yeah
*Been cheated on? no
*Done something you regret?: i have indeed, but i don't regret it
first thing that comes to mind
*Red: luck
*Blue: the sky
*Happy: land
*Autumn: man
*Cow: poop
*Greenland: iceland
*Your good luck charm: i used to have a chekered bracelet, but it got lost.
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: ran into the sliding glass door twice in the same day
*Your crush: alot
*Your most prized possession: pocket bible
*Last thing you ate: seseme chicken *drool*
*Fave song: ?
*Best thing that has happened to you this year: it was... not alot of good things happened this year. in fact alot of shit things happened this year
*Chicken pox: when i was little
*Sore Throat: yes
*cold: yes
*Stitches: indeed 4 on my foot
*Bloody nose: like a million times (i used to pick my nose)
*Crabs: ew
*Believe in love at first sight: shure, why not
*Enjoy parks: swings are awsome
*Like picnics: they rock
*Like school: if it didnt starts so damn early <--second that
*What schools have you gone to: vishie, bellare, redwood, napa high, tech high, ponderosa high.
*Hate anyone: not realy
*Who is the last person that called you: uncle chris
*Makes you laugh the most: jeff
*Makes you smile: mitch
*Can make you feel better no matter what: my big sis
Was the last person
*you touched?:Jaden my niece
*You talked to last: danny
*Messaged: James
*You hugged?: Jaden
*You Kissed?: julie (when we were still together)
*yelled at: my mom
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: somtimes
*Do you get along with your family: i try
*DO drugs- no
*Color your hair?: no
*Piercing below the waist?: NO
*Habla espanol: Si habla no espaniol
*Stolen anything ever? music once or twice
*Obsessive: no
*Compulsive: no
*Anorexic: ha
*Depressed? nah
*Suicidal? not emo
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